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5 Mobile Apps with the Best UI/UX Design in 2024

The success of any mobile application lies in its UI/UX design. This is because of the huge number of mobile apps in the market. So, as a UI/UX designer, it is your job to create outstanding UI/UX design for any mobile application.

You need references such as some of the top-class mobile apps with the best UI/UX design so that you’ll gain the primary idea behind their success both as a mobile application as well as UI/UX design.

In this article, we compiled a list of 5 mobile apps with the best UI/UX design that not only serve as a reference but also help you understand the underlying layer behind its popularity. So, without any delay, let’s get started.

Table of contents

  1. Why UI/UX design is Important for Mobile Applications?
  2. 5 Mobile Apps with the Best UI/UX Design in 2024
    • Amazon
    • Instagram
    • Bigbasket
    • Spotify
    • Uber
  3. Conclusion
  4. FAQs
    • What are the key elements of good UI design?
    • What are the crucial aspects of effective UX design?
    • Can good UI/UX design improve user retention?
    • How often should the UI/UX of an app be updated?
    • What are the common mistakes in UI/UX design?

Why UI/UX design is Important for Mobile Applications?

UI/UX design is Important for Mobile Applications

Before we see about the mobile apps with the best UI/UX design, let us first understand why UI/UX design is important for the success of any mobile application.

UI/UX design is crucial for mobile applications for several reasons, and it plays a significant role in the mobile application’s success:

1. User Engagement: The first impression is often the last in the digital world. A well-designed UI (User Interface) that is aesthetically pleasing and easy to navigate can attract and retain users. A good UX (User Experience) design ensures that users find the app intuitive and straightforward to use. If users enjoy their interaction with the app, they are more likely to continue using it.

2. Brand Reputation: The UI/UX of an app reflects the brand’s image and values. A well-designed app can enhance a brand’s reputation, while a poorly designed app can harm it. Users often equate the quality of an app’s design with the quality of the brand behind it.

3. Increased Conversions: An app with a user-friendly design is more likely to drive conversions, whether that means selling products, signing up for a service, or simply engaging users with content. A good UX design simplifies the journey from the user’s entry point to the final action which is basically the user flow in UX design, that helps in reducing the chances of users abandoning the process.

4. Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty: An app that is easy to use and fulfills user needs effectively leads to higher customer satisfaction. Satisfied users are more likely to become loyal customers, which is crucial for long-term success.

5. Reduced Development Costs: Investing in UI/UX design at the early stages of app development can save money in the long run. It helps in identifying potential issues early, reducing the need for costly fixes after the app has been launched. You can achieve this by using the right set of UI/UX design tools that can help you pre-plan everything beforehand.

6. Competitive Advantage: In a crowded app market, a superior UI/UX can be a key differentiator. An app that offers a unique and enjoyable user experience stands out from competitors and can capture a larger user base.

This is why mobile apps with the best UI/UX design are not just about the look and feel; they include the overall experience of the users. It plays an important role in attracting and retaining users, building brand loyalty, driving conversions, and ultimately determining the success of the app.

Therefore, it is important for you to understand the nuances of UI/UX designing and it is better to do that by enrolling yourself in a professionally certified UI/UX design course offered by a recognized organization as that can help you understand everything about UI/UX as well as provide you with a industry-grade certificate that boosts your resume.

Also Read: 10 Skills Required to Become a UI/UX Designer


5 Mobile Apps with the Best UI/UX Design in 2024

By now, you must have a clear understanding of the importance of UI/UX designing in deciding the success of mobile applications and why mobile apps with the best UI/UX design are successful in the market.

This is the reason why many product-based companies are looking to hire UI/UX designers so that they can boost their product’s success.

Let us now see about the mobile apps with the best UI/UX design.

1. Amazon


Amazon‘s mobile app is often recognized as one of the popular mobile apps with the best UI/UX design, mainly due to its focus on user convenience and efficiency in online shopping. The app is designed to offer a seamless and easy-to-access shopping experience for users across various product categories.

The user interface (UI) of Amazon is notable for its clean and organized layout, which makes browsing through vast amounts of products straightforward.

The app features a prominent search bar at the top, along with easy-to-understand categories and filters, helping users to find exactly what they need quickly.

In terms of user experience (UX), Amazon’s app excels in providing a hassle-free shopping journey. From product discovery to checkout, every step is streamlined.

The app includes features like 1-Click ordering, personalized recommendations, and easy access to order history and tracking, all of which contribute to a highly efficient shopping experience.

Another key aspect of Amazon’s app is its responsiveness and fast loading times, which are crucial for maintaining user engagement, especially when browsing through a large number of products. Regular updates focused on improving performance and adding new features also keep the app at the forefront of e-commerce UI/UX design.

Overall, Amazon’s mobile app stands out among mobile apps with the best UI/UX design by offering an easy-to-use, efficient, and responsive platform for online shopping, catering to the needs and preferences of a diverse user base.

2. Instagram


Instagram is widely acknowledged as one of the mobile apps with the best UI/UX design, largely due to its intuitive and user-friendly interface. The app’s design focuses on ease of use and aesthetic appeal, which is crucial for a social media platform centered around visual content.

The user interface (UI) of Instagram is sleek and minimalist, with a clean layout that makes it easy for users to navigate through the app.

Key features like the photo feed, search function, Reels, and profile access are all conveniently located and accessible, reducing the learning curve for new users.

The user experience (UX) is further enhanced by the seamless integration of various features such as photo and video sharing, stories, and direct messaging.

Instagram’s design team has consistently updated the app to keep the user experience smooth and engaging, adding new features without cluttering the interface.

Moreover, Instagram’s use of visually appealing elements, like vibrant images and videos, along with its interactive and easy-to-use interface, makes it a standout example in the list of mobile apps with the best UI/UX design.

This thoughtful approach to both aesthetics and functionality has made Instagram a favorite among users worldwide, offering an enjoyable and engaging platform for social interaction and content sharing.

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3. Bigbasket


Bigbasket, recognized as one of the mobile apps with the best UI/UX design, illustrates how a grocery delivery app can be both user-friendly and visually appealing.

Its design is characterized by a minimalist approach, which makes navigating through the app straightforward and effortless. This simplicity is crucial in an app like Bigbasket, where a wide range of products and categories could easily overwhelm the user.

The user interface (UI) is clean and uncluttered, with a focus on ease of use. This design choice is significant as it allows users of all ages and technological proficiencies to search for products, add them to their cart, and complete their orders without confusion or frustration.

Furthermore, the user experience (UX) is enhanced by the app’s logical flow and intuitive layout. Every element, from product listings to the checkout process, is designed with the user’s convenience in mind. This thoughtful design contributes to the app’s high user satisfaction and popularity making it a desirable application in this list of mobile apps with the best UI/UX design.

Bigbasket stands out among mobile apps with the best UI/UX design due to its minimalist design, ease of navigation, and user-centric approach, making grocery shopping a seamless and pleasant experience for its users regardless of their age.

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4. Spotify


Spotify has captured a place in this list of mobile apps with the best UI/UX design, thanks to its user-centered design approach and visually appealing interface.

The user interface (UI) of Spotify is particularly noteworthy for its clean, organized layout. Key functionalities, such as searching for music, accessing your library, and browsing playlists, are easily accessible. The use of distinctive colors and clear typography ensures that users can quickly find what they’re looking for.

Moreover, Spotify’s user experience (UX) is enhanced by its personalized features, like custom playlists and recommendations based on listening habits. This level of personalization makes the app more engaging and user-friendly, as it caters to individual music preferences.

This dedication to innovation and user satisfaction solidifies Spotify’s position as one of the mobile apps with the best UI/UX design, providing a highly enjoyable and user-focused platform for music streaming.

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5. Uber


Uber is considered to be one of the top-tier mobile apps with the best UI/UX design due to its focus on simplicity and efficiency, which is essential for a ride-hailing service. The app’s design revolves around making the process of booking a ride as straightforward and hassle-free as possible.

The user interface (UI) of Uber is characterized by its minimalistic design. The home screen primarily features a map and an input field to enter the ride destination, making it immediately clear what the user needs to do.

The use of familiar symbols and a limited color palette ensures that the app is not only visually appealing but also easy to navigate.

In terms of user experience (UX), Uber excels in providing a seamless journey from start to finish. Once a destination is entered, users can easily choose the type of ride and see the fare estimate.

The app keeps users informed at every stage, from matching with a driver to the completion of the trip, including real-time tracking of the ride.

Moreover, Uber frequently updates its app to improve functionality and user satisfaction, taking into account customer feedback and technological advancements. This constant evolution in response to user needs and preferences is a key reason why Uber is considered among the mobile apps with the best UI/UX design.

Also Read: 8 Important Things a UI/UX Designer Should Know


In conclusion, the significance of UI/UX design in mobile apps cannot be exaggerated, as evidenced by the standout mobile apps with the best UI/UX design, such as Amazon, Instagram, Spotify, etc.

These apps exemplify the art of blending aesthetics with functionality, proving that a well-designed UI/UX is important in enhancing user engagement, simplifying navigation, and ultimately ensuring the app’s success.

This list of mobile apps with the best UI/UX design is an example of the transformative power of exceptional UI/UX design in turning a simple application into an essential, everyday tool for millions of users.

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1. What are the key elements of good UI design?

Key elements include simplicity, consistency, intuitive navigation, clear typography, and visually appealing graphics and colors.

2. What are the crucial aspects of effective UX design?

Crucial aspects include user-centered design, usability, accessibility, functionality, and the overall flow of the user journey within the app.

3. Can good UI/UX design improve user retention?

Yes, good UI/UX design can significantly improve user retention by providing a satisfying and hassle-free user experience, encouraging users to continue using the app.

4. How often should the UI/UX of an app be updated?

It should be updated regularly based on user feedback, technological advancements, and emerging design trends to ensure the app remains relevant and user-friendly.


5. What are the common mistakes in UI/UX design?

Common mistakes include ignoring user feedback, overcomplicating the design, lack of consistency, poor navigation, and not optimizing the design for different devices.

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  1. Why UI/UX design is Important for Mobile Applications?
  2. 5 Mobile Apps with the Best UI/UX Design in 2024
    • Amazon
    • Instagram
    • Bigbasket
    • Spotify
    • Uber
  3. Conclusion
  4. FAQs
    • What are the key elements of good UI design?
    • What are the crucial aspects of effective UX design?
    • Can good UI/UX design improve user retention?
    • How often should the UI/UX of an app be updated?
    • What are the common mistakes in UI/UX design?