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Top Full-Stack Developer Skills in 2024

Are you a full-stack developer? Can you name a Website/App you like the most from the design and look-&-feel perspective? I am sure there would be many to top the list! Most importantly, if you are a developer, such websites and apps might have intrigued you to dig deep and find out which technologies are related to Full Stack Development.

Here are the top full-stack developer skills that maneuver deep down those versatile engrossing pages. Again, if you are booting up as a Developer, then Full Stack Web Development could be your dream destination. In that case, underlining the core technologies and skills related to Full Stack Web Development should be the first thing for you!

In this blog, we have covered the top full-stack developer skills you must have to get into this wonderful and high-paying career.

Table of contents

  1. So, What are the Top Full-Stack Developer Skills?
    • Front-End Development
    • Back-End Development
    • Data Structures And Algorithms
    • GitHub
    • Other important Full Stack Developer Skills
  2. Technologies Used by Full-Stack Developers
    • LAMP stack
    • MEAN stack
    • MERN stack
  3. So, did you jot down all the full-stack developer skills?
  4. FAQs
    • What are the skills required for a full-stack developer in 2024?
    • Is full-stack developer worth it in 2024?
    • What is the average salary of full stack developer in 2024?

So, What are the Top Full-Stack Developer Skills?

Well, you might have already researched a great deal and came across the statement: Full-stack developers are all-rounders, often called Jack of All Trades, who happen to own the complete project development.

That is to say, from Front End Development to Back End Development and Database management, Full Stack Developers need to dirty their hands in almost everything that concerns the development phase.

Know More About Full Stack Developer Roadmap: A Complete Guide [2024]

Before diving into the next section, ensure you’re solid on full-stack development essentials like front-end frameworks, back-end technologies, and database management. If you are looking for a detailed Full Stack Development career program, you can join GUVI’s Full Stack Development Career Program with Placement Assistance. You will be able to master the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) and build real-life projects.

Additionally, if you want to explore JavaScript through a self-paced course, try GUVI’s JavaScript self-paced certification course.

In the same vein, let’s consider the skills Full Stack Developers require as per the development side.

Front-End Development

While you try to indulge in Client-Side Programming or front-end development, you would need to master the following Full Stack Developer skills. 

Again, you will be able to develop highly responsive web pages across languages when you master the following:

  • Basic understanding of how websites work.
  • Learn how HTML, CSS, and JavaScript contribute.
  • CSS preprocessors like LESS or SASS.
  • JavaScript frameworks like AngularJS, React, Ember, etc., or JS-based build tools like Grunt, Gulp, and Bower.
  • Libraries like jQuery or Backbone.js.
  • AJAX.
  • Comprehend how the internet works.
  • Master HTML tags & features of HTML5.
  • Learn the fundamentals of incorporating responsive web design.
  • Learn Front-end (CSS) frameworks like Foundation or Bootstrap and understand how to use Bootstrap to create a web page.
  • Adding symbols using Font Awesome.
  • Strengthen your basics in React JS.

Do read: 6 Best Front-End JavaScript Frameworks to Learn in 2024

Back-End Development

Further, learn the industry-leading ways to design back-end development. The key is to develop pages with the least response time! It will help load the web applications fast. Also, on the server side learn how to connect with Databases.

  • Learn to build multi-user web applications using Flask, Python, Java, and NodeJS frameworks. API design and development
  • Further, take a brief look at node environments like npm and yarn.
  • Deploy your web applications onto web servers.
  • Touch up on your knowledge of fundamental developer tools such as the Unix Shell and Git.
  • Have a grasp on concepts like Inheritance, Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Abstraction, and Class and their usage in Node and Python.
  • CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete).
  • RESTful Services.
  • Server-side languages like PHP, Python, Ruby, Java, JavaScript, and .Net.
  • Practice frameworks related to server-side languages like: Express.js, Ruby on Rails, CakePHP, etc.
  • Again, get good know-how of database technologies like MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB.

Find out: Top 10 Backend Web Development Frameworks In 2024


Data Structures And Algorithms

Do you know that learning Data Structures and Algorithms will help you write efficient, robust, optimized code? So, learn how to build rich & scalable web servers with a thorough understanding of AWS.

  • Gain better clarity about Algorithms and Data structures.
  • Learn to build better data types like Queue, stack, and list.
  • Learn to use mathematical-oriented algorithms.
  • Get to know about structural and non-structural databases.
  • Learn to use MySQL and Mongo connectors.
  • Getting a better understanding of RDBMS concepts.
  • Further, master Database design and scaling.
  • Take a brief intro about DevOps.
  • Understand AWS console usage.
  • Also, learn to create scalable web servers using AWS.
  • Cover all AWS concepts like Proxy, routing, and auto-scaling.
  • Understanding Basic Terminologies, Storage Scalability, and Situation Analysis.

Data Structures and Algorithms play a very important role and are the mandate skill for every individual who wants to learn back-end development thus you need to focus on DSA techniques.


Above all, make sure you build your GitHub profile. GitHub is a platform that can be used to control the version of software. It allows developers to edit, store, and manage the application’s code. So, hands-on Github will smoothen your Project-building phase. It is very crucial in any Java Full Stack Developer learning journey.

Again have you heard about the different Full Stacks on which developers work? So, some of the most famous stacks are given below for your reference.

Other important Full Stack Developer Skills

Also, ensure that you also grasp the know-how of the Project Management Tools that help you to get assistance in managing the projects and tasks effectively. You can get it for free and also have premium ones which are paid. Some of the most popular project management tools are:

  • Slack
  • Jira
  • Trello
  • Asana

Technologies Used by Full-Stack Developers

These are some of the most trending technologies followed by full-stack developers which are trendy ones and used by developers:

LAMP stack

LAMP - skills associated with full stack development

Here, LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP.

Linux: It is an open-source operating system. It forms a footing for the stack model.

Apache: It is web server software. It translates from web browsers to the required website.

MySQL: It is an open-source database. It can be queried by the scripting language to construct a website.

PHP: It is a server-side open-source scripting language.

MEAN stack

MEAN stands for MongoDB, Express, Angular.js, and Node.js

MongoDB: It is a NoSQL database that stores data in binary JSON format.

Express: Express is a web program framework, which is easy to use, light, and portable.

Angular.js: A robust framework that is used for developing HTML5 and JavaScript- web programs

Node.js: It is a server-side JavaScript execution environment.

MERN stack

MERN - Full-Stack Developer Skills

MERN stands for MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js

MongoDB: It is a NoSQL database. It stores data in binary JSON format.

Express: A web program framework that is easy to use, light, and portable.

React is a Javascript library used for building user interfaces.

Node.js: Node.js is a server-side JavaScript execution environment.

Find out which stack to choose: MEAN vs. MERN: Which Stack To Choose For Fast Growing Career and Salary?

So, did you jot down all the full-stack developer skills?

Wait, don’t get overwhelmed by the different skills that you need to learn as a Full Stack Developer. Take it slow, one at a time. Also, boot camps like Zen Class from GUVI handhold you through your learning and career journey.

With expert mentorship and globally recognized Certifications, you end up landing on the top tech careers with lucrative packages.

Kickstart your Full Stack Development journey by enrolling in GUVI’s certified Full Stack Development Career Program with Placement Assistance where you will master the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) and build interesting real-life projects. This program is crafted by our team of experts to help you upskill and assist you in placements. Alternatively, if you want to explore JavaScript through a self-paced course, try GUVI’s JavaScript self-paced course.

So, check Full Stack Development Syllabus here: Full Stack Development Syllabus 2024 [UPDATED].

Full Stack development course banner

We hope that was informative. We also hope you will drop your comments and queries in the comment section below. So, take your leave now, keep reading!


What are the skills required for a full-stack developer in 2024?

Some of the skills required to become a full-stack developer:
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Database Management Systems
Frameworks and Libraries
Data Structures and Algorithms
Version Control Systems

Is full-stack developer worth it in 2024?

There is indeed a huge demand for full-stack developers in 2024 which will continue growing and expanding in the coming years. Companies are hiring full-stack web developers with diverse skills who work on each and every layer of web applications.


What is the average salary of full stack developer in 2024?

The average salary of a full stack developer in 2024 is 7LPA which also varies on several factors including skills, experience, and many others.

Career transition

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  1. So, What are the Top Full-Stack Developer Skills?
    • Front-End Development
    • Back-End Development
    • Data Structures And Algorithms
    • GitHub
    • Other important Full Stack Developer Skills
  2. Technologies Used by Full-Stack Developers
    • LAMP stack
    • MEAN stack
    • MERN stack
  3. So, did you jot down all the full-stack developer skills?
  4. FAQs
    • What are the skills required for a full-stack developer in 2024?
    • Is full-stack developer worth it in 2024?
    • What is the average salary of full stack developer in 2024?