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Skills Required to Become DevOps Engineer

You have learned about DevOps, and you must have been fascinated by the whole concept of it. Becoming a DevOps Engineer is like hitting two mangoes with one stone as you get to be on both the Developer side as well as the Operations side.

This can give you a lot of credibility in your resume and companies are sought after this. But as with any other job role, this too requires a certain skill set and those who have a clear understanding of it turn out to be successful.

In this article, you are going to learn the skills required to become DevOps engineer as well as the importance of it as that can help you understand more about it. So, let’s get started.

Table of contents

  1. Skills Required for Learning DevOps
  2. Importance of Soft Skills in DevOps
    • Effective Communication Skills
    • Problem-Solving Abilities
    • Adaptability and Continuous Learning
  3. Choosing the right frameworks for DevOps:
  4. What is DevOps?
  5. Conclusion
  6. FAQs
    • How do I start learning to be a DevOps Engineer?
    • What is the role of a DevOps engineer?
    • Which tools and technologies are commonly used in DevOps?
    • What is the significance of DevOps in software development?
  7. Also Read:

Skills Required for Learning DevOps

devops skills

In every other DevOps job description, the skills that companies focus more on are listed below. These roles and skills are required to become a DevOps engineer. So make sure to go through every one of them in detail. 

To become a DevOps engineer, you need a combination of technical skills, soft skills, and knowledge of various tools and technologies. Here are some of the key skills required to pursue a career as a DevOps engineer:

  1. System Administration: Proficiency in system administration is essential to understand the underlying infrastructure, manage servers, and configure networking components.
  2. Scripting and Automation: Strong scripting skills in languages such as Bash, Python, or Ruby are crucial for automating tasks, creating deployment scripts, and managing infrastructure as code.
  3. Version Control: Experience with version control systems like Git enables you to manage and track changes to code and configuration files effectively.
  4. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): Understanding CI/CD concepts and tools like Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, or CircleCI helps you automate build, testing, and deployment processes to achieve faster and more reliable software delivery.
  5. Configuration Management: Proficiency in tools like Ansible, Puppet, or Chef allows you to automate the configuration and management of servers and infrastructure resources.
  6. Cloud Platforms: Familiarity with cloud platforms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is essential for managing and deploying applications in cloud environments.
  7. Containerization and Orchestration: Knowledge of containerization technologies like Docker and container orchestration tools like Kubernetes enables you to deploy and manage scalable and portable applications.
  8. Monitoring and Logging: Understanding monitoring tools such as Prometheus, Grafana, or ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) stack helps in monitoring system performance, log analysis, and troubleshooting.
  9. Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Proficiency in IaC tools like Terraform or CloudFormation allows you to provision and manage infrastructure resources programmatically.
  10. Security and Compliance: Familiarity with security best practices, understanding of network security, and knowledge of tools like HashiCorp Vault or AWS Secrets Manager are crucial for securing applications and infrastructure.
  11. Collaboration and Communication: Strong collaboration and communication skills are essential to work effectively with cross-functional teams, bridge the gap between development and operations, and drive cultural changes within an organization.
  12. Problem-Solving and Troubleshooting: A DevOps engineer should possess strong problem-solving and troubleshooting skills to identify and resolve issues quickly and efficiently.

Before we move to the next part, you should have a deeper knowledge of DevOps concepts. You can consider enrolling yourself in GUVI’s DevOps Career Program, which lets you gain practical experience by developing real-world projects and covers technologies including Agile, Scrum, Linux, Git, Bash Scripting, Dockers, Containers, AWS infrastructure, etc. 

Additionally, if you would like to explore AWS Infrastructure through a Self-paced course, try GUVI’s AWS Infrastructure for Beginners certification course.


Importance of Soft Skills in DevOps

soft skills

Soft skills are equally important as technical skills in the field of DevOps. While technical skills enable you to work with tools and technologies, soft skills help you effectively collaborate with teams, communicate ideas, and navigate the complex dynamics of a DevOps environment.

Effective Communication Skills

Clear and effective communication is essential in DevOps, as it involves working with different stakeholders, including developers, operations staff, management, and even customers. 

Good communication skills facilitate the sharing of ideas, requirements, and updates, and help in resolving conflicts and addressing challenges.

Problem-Solving Abilities

Soft skills like problem-solving and critical thinking enable you to approach complex challenges with a logical and analytical mindset. 

These skills help you identify root causes, analyze data, and make informed decisions when troubleshooting issues or optimizing processes.

Adaptability and Continuous Learning

In DevOps, change is constant. Soft skills like adaptability and flexibility enable you to embrace change, respond to evolving requirements and technologies, and adapt to new methodologies and practices.

Soft skills like curiosity, a growth mindset, and a passion for learning are essential for a DevOps engineer. Being open to new technologies, trends, and methodologies, and having a willingness to continuously learn and improve allows you to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving field.

Choosing the right frameworks for DevOps:

framework for devops

When it comes to choosing frameworks for DevOps, the selection depends on your specific needs, preferences, and the technologies you are working with. Here are some popular frameworks commonly used in the DevOps ecosystem:

  1. DevOps Toolchains: A DevOps toolchain framework provides an integrated set of tools and practices for the entire software development lifecycle. Examples include Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, and Azure DevOps. These frameworks offer features like continuous integration, continuous delivery, and release automation.
  2. Infrastructure as Code (IaC): IaC frameworks allow you to define and manage infrastructure resources programmatically. Tools like Terraform, AWS CloudFormation, and Google Cloud Deployment Manager help you provision and manage infrastructure resources across multiple cloud platforms.
  3. Configuration Management: Configuration management frameworks help automate the setup and maintenance of servers and infrastructure. Examples include Ansible, Puppet, and Chef, which allow you to define and enforce the desired state of your infrastructure.
  4. Containerization and Orchestration: Containerization frameworks enable you to package applications and their dependencies into lightweight, isolated containers. Docker is a popular choice for containerization. For container orchestration, Kubernetes is widely used to manage container deployments, scaling, and load balancing.
  5. Monitoring and Observability: Monitoring frameworks assist in tracking the health, performance, and availability of systems. Tools like Prometheus, Grafana, and ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) stack provide features for collecting, storing, and visualizing metrics and logs.
  6. Security and Compliance: Security frameworks and tools help in securing applications and infrastructure. HashiCorp Vault, AWS Secrets Manager, and Open Policy Agent (OPA) are examples of frameworks that address secrets management, access control, and compliance requirements.
  7. Testing and Quality Assurance: Testing frameworks like Selenium, JUnit, and pytest facilitate automated testing and quality assurance processes. These frameworks integrate with CI/CD pipelines to ensure code quality and provide quick feedback on test results.
  8. Service Mesh: Service mesh frameworks such as Istio and Linkerd help manage and secure microservices architectures. They provide features like traffic routing, load balancing, and observability for microservices communication.

What is DevOps?

DevOps, short for Development (Dev) and Operations (Ops) practices to improve collaboration, efficiency, and software delivery. It emphasizes close collaboration between development, operations, and other teams involved in the software development lifecycle, aiming to break down silos and create a culture of shared responsibility and continuous improvement.

what is devops

Skills required for a DevOps role include a combination of technical and soft skills. Technical skills often include proficiency in areas such as system administration, scripting, and automation, version control, CI/CD, configuration management, cloud platforms, containerization and orchestration, monitoring and logging, infrastructure as code, security and compliance, and problem-solving and troubleshooting. Soft skills such as collaboration, communication, adaptability, leadership, and problem-solving are also crucial for success in a DevOps role.

In terms of salary, DevOps professionals in India can earn varying salaries depending on their experience, skills, and the organization they work for. Entry-level positions may start around INR 4-6 lakhs per annum, while experienced DevOps engineers can earn salaries ranging from INR 10-20 lakhs per annum or even higher in some cases.

The future scope of DevOps in India is promising. As organizations continue to adopt agile development methodologies and strive for faster software delivery, the demand for DevOps professionals is expected to grow. Companies across various sectors, including technology, e-commerce, finance, and healthcare, require DevOps expertise to optimize their software development processes and ensure efficient operations.

Companies generally look for candidates with a strong technical background, hands-on experience with relevant tools, and a good understanding of DevOps principles and practices. They value individuals who can demonstrate their ability to automate processes, manage infrastructure efficiently, and work collaboratively in cross-functional teams.

Kickstart your career by enrolling in GUVI’s DevOps Career Program where you will master technologies including Linux, Git, AWS, etc, and build interesting real-life devops projects.

Alternatively, if you want to explore AWS infrastructure through a Self-paced course, try GUVI’s AWS Infrastructure for Beginners certification course.


In conclusion, DevOps is an increasingly sought-after approach in India’s software development landscape. By understanding the skills required for DevOps Engineering and by understanding the job description, you can become a professional DevOps Engineer.

DevOps professionals can expect promising career opportunities and with GUVI’s Master DevOps Program, you can become an IIT-M Pravartak Certified DevOps Engineer which can enable you to work for competitive salaries and a wide range of industries and companies seeking their expertise to drive efficient software delivery and operations.


How do I start learning to be a DevOps Engineer?

To start learning to be a DevOps engineer, focus on gaining foundational knowledge in software development, system administration, and cloud computing. Learn version control with Git, explore automation and scripting using languages like Bash or Python, and understand concepts of continuous integration and deployment.

Additionally, actively participate in DevOps communities, forums, and attend relevant conferences or meetups to stay updated with industry trends and best practices.

What is the role of a DevOps engineer?

DevOps engineers bridge the gap between development and operations teams by promoting collaboration, automation, and efficiency in software development and delivery.

They focus on optimizing processes, implementing CI/CD pipelines, managing infrastructure, and ensuring the reliability, scalability, and security of software systems.

Which tools and technologies are commonly used in DevOps?

DevOps employs a wide range of tools and technologies, including CI/CD platforms like Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, or CircleCI; configuration management tools like Ansible, Puppet, or Chef; containerization technologies such as Docker; container orchestration systems like Kubernetes; cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, or GCP; and monitoring/logging tools like Prometheus, Grafana, or ELK stack.

What is the significance of DevOps in software development?

DevOps promotes collaboration, automation, and continuous improvement, leading to faster software delivery, enhanced quality, and improved customer satisfaction.

It helps organizations achieve agility, scalability, and reliability by breaking down silos between teams, automating manual processes, and integrating development and operations practices.


Also Read:

  1. Transitioning career to Devops.
  2. How Is AI Transforming DevOps? Check 7 Intriguing Ways!

Career transition

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  1. Skills Required for Learning DevOps
  2. Importance of Soft Skills in DevOps
    • Effective Communication Skills
    • Problem-Solving Abilities
    • Adaptability and Continuous Learning
  3. Choosing the right frameworks for DevOps:
  4. What is DevOps?
  5. Conclusion
  6. FAQs
    • How do I start learning to be a DevOps Engineer?
    • What is the role of a DevOps engineer?
    • Which tools and technologies are commonly used in DevOps?
    • What is the significance of DevOps in software development?
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