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Top 15 Motion Graphic Trends for 2024

Let’s face it: motion design is everywhere. From the sleek animations on our favorite websites and apps to the immersive experiences of virtual reality, the digital landscape is increasingly animated. Despite this high demand, the pool of designers skilled in motion graphics remains relatively small. This gap between demand and supply makes motion design a field ripe with opportunities.

As the digital world evolves, so do the trends in motion graphics. What was in vogue yesterday might not catch the viewer’s eye today. This constant evolution is not just about aesthetics; it reflects a shift in how we communicate and interact with digital content. Staying ahead of these motion graphic trends is crucial for designers and brands alike to keep their content fresh and engaging.

So, why should you care about the latest trends in motion graphics for 2024? Understanding these trends is key to unlocking the full potential of your digital content. Whether you’re a graphic design student, a fresh graduate, or a professional looking to switch niches, knowing what’s next on the horizon can set you apart. Let’s dive into the top 15 motion graphic trends, shaping the future of design, and setting the stage for an exciting exploration of what’s possible in this dynamic field.

Table of contents

  1. Top Motion Graphic Trends That Are Making Waves in 2024
    • Animated Collage Animation
    • Hyper-Realism and 3D
    • Disruptive Retro
    • Mixed Media Innovation
    • Kinetic Typography
    • Grain Effects and Textures
    • Liquid Motion and Morphing
    • Isometric Designs
    • Bold and Sophisticated VFX
    • Minimalism and New Minimalism
    • Digital Surrealism
    • Virtual Reality (VR) and Immersive Experiences
    • Animated Logos
    • 3D Everywhere
    • AI Integration
    • Vertical Animations
  2. Now it's your call...
  3. FAQs
    • Can I apply these motion graphic trends to any industry?
    • How can I stay updated with motion graphic trends beyond 2024?
    • Are these trends suitable for beginners in motion graphics?

Animated Collage Animation


A collage animation video made for the Armenian Folk Arts Museum

Combining various elements like photographs, textures, and drawings, animated collage animations create rich, layered, visually captivating compositions. This trend allows for a high degree of creativity and experimentation, as elements from disparate sources can be combined to tell a story or unconventionally convey a message. Animated collages can evoke nostalgia, convey complex ideas, or entertain, making them versatile tools in the motion designer’s toolkit.

Before we proceed further, it’s essential to have a solid foundation in graphic design principles and animation basics. If you’re eager to dive deep into creating captivating motion visuals, consider joining GUVI’s Motion Graphics Career Program. In this program, you’ll learn the fundamentals of animation, visual effects, and storytelling techniques. Gain hands-on experience with industry-standard tools and techniques, and unlock your creativity to craft stunning motion graphics for videos, presentations, and more.

Must Read: Top 5 Motion Graphics Projects for Your Upgraded Career

Hyper-Realism and 3D

3d animation – Money Back ONKLPRory Piven

The trend towards hyper-realism and 3D motion graphics shows a growing appetite for animations that are indistinguishable from real life. Advanced software like Unreal Engine and Blender are empowering creators to craft scenes with astonishing detail and depth. This trend not only enhances the visual appeal of digital content but also improves user engagement through immersive experiences that are rich, dynamic, and incredibly lifelike.

Also, Know The Scope of Motion Graphics in 2024


Disruptive Retro

The disruptive retro trend sees a resurgence of vintage aesthetics, reimagined through modern digital techniques. It merges nostalgia with contemporary flair, using elements like digital glitches, vibrant neon colors, and retro-inspired designs. This fusion creates a unique, attention-grabbing style that appeals to a wide audience, blending the familiarity of the past with the innovation of the present.

Must Explore: 10 Must-have Skills for a Motion Graphics Designer in 2024

Mixed Media Innovation

Mixed media innovation in motion graphics blurs the lines between traditional and digital art forms. It combines various techniques and materials, from hand-drawn elements to CGI, creating rich, textured compositions. This trend emphasizes creativity and experimentation, allowing designers to explore new ways of storytelling and visual expression that captivate viewers with their complexity and originality.

Must Know About Motion Graphics in UI/UX: Enhancing User Experience with Dynamic Visuals

Kinetic Typography

Kinetic typography transforms static text into dynamic, animated content that adds energy and emotion to messages. This trend leverages motion to enhance readability and engagement, making information more compelling. Kinetic typography is versatile, and suitable for everything from advertising to educational content, providing a creative tool to capture viewers’ attention.

Know More About Typography in User Interfaces: Basic Guide for Beginners [2024]

Grain Effects and Textures

Adding grain and texture to motion graphics introduces an element of warmth and depth that mimics traditional art. This trend counters the often too-smooth digital visuals, giving them character and a tactile feel. It’s particularly effective in making digital work appear more handcrafted, appealing to viewers’ desire for authenticity and craftsmanship.

🖌️ Introducing GUVI-certified Animation in Motion Graphics Career Program– a highly advanced and innovative program for aspiring motion graphics designers! 💼

📅 The comprehensive 5-month online live course covers the latest design tools, including the complete Adobe suite, and teaches anyone the techniques to create vivid videos, illustrations, and visuals for the web, apps, television, or films.

Liquid Motion and Morphing

Liquid motion and morphing are all about fluidity and transformation. This trend utilizes smooth, flowing animations that seamlessly transition between shapes and scenes. It’s captivating for its organic feel and the way it mimics natural movements, making it a popular choice for creative storytelling and abstract presentations.

Also Read: 5 Best Motion Graphics Courses for Beginners

Isometric Designs

Isometric design in motion graphics offers a 3D look on a 2D plane, providing depth without the need for complex modeling. This trend is appealing for its geometric precision and the unique perspective it offers, making it ideal for explainer videos, infographics, and digital platforms looking to combine clarity with aesthetic appeal.

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Bold and Sophisticated VFX

The use of bold and sophisticated VFX (Visual Effects) in motion graphics pushes the boundaries of what’s possible in digital art. This trend leverages advanced techniques to create stunning visuals that are rich, detailed, and immersive. From creating realistic environments to enhancing storytelling with special effects, VFX is integral to producing high-quality, captivating content.

Coca-Cola logo animation – Made by Coca-Cola

Minimalism and New Minimalism

Minimalism in motion graphics strips back the visual clutter to focus on the essential elements of design. The trend towards new minimalism evolves this concept further by introducing subtle complexities and textures, balancing simplicity with engaging details. This approach is effective in communicating clear messages while maintaining visual interest.

Illustrations for the bakery by Xenia Voronicheva

Explore About Minimalism in UI/UX Design: Role and Importance for Design Career

Digital Surrealism

Digital surrealism combines the boundless possibilities of digital art with the imaginative and often bizarre aspects of surrealism. This trend is characterized by dream-like scenes and abstract visuals that defy conventional logic, offering a unique way to explore and express complex ideas and emotions through motion graphics.

ASTRONAUTS ON THE MOON by Juan Ibanez Mantero

Virtual Reality (VR) and Immersive Experiences

VR and immersive experiences in motion graphics transport viewers to entirely new worlds. This trend leverages 360-degree visuals and interactive elements to create fully immersive environments. Whether for entertainment, education, or marketing, VR offers unparalleled engagement by making viewers active participants in the narrative.

Immersive 3D Experiences by Umut Aşlar

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Animated Logos

Animated logos bring brand identities to life, adding motion to static designs. This trend allows for creative storytelling within a compact format, making logos more memorable and engaging. Animated logos can convey a brand’s personality, values, and dynamism, enhancing recognition and emotional connection with the audience.

Also Read | Top 10 YouTube Channels to learn Motion Graphics at your own time.

3D Everywhere

The integration of 3D elements into all aspects of motion graphics reflects a shift towards more dynamic and engaging content. This trend, characterized by its use of depth and volume, enriches visual storytelling, making it more engaging and immersive. 3D animations are now ubiquitous, appearing in advertising, entertainment, and educational content, enhancing the viewer’s experience.

AI Integration

Incorporating AI into motion graphics is a burgeoning trend that opens up new possibilities for personalized and interactive content. AI algorithms can analyze viewer preferences and behaviors, enabling the creation of customized animations that resonate on a personal level. This trend signifies a move towards more intelligent, responsive, and engaging digital content.

Also Read: The Role of AI in Predictive User Interface Design

Vertical Animations

Optimized for mobile viewing, vertical animations cater to the growing trend of smartphone usage for content consumption. This format is essential for social media stories, advertisements, and apps, providing a user-friendly viewing experience that maximizes engagement in the mobile-first digital landscape.

Enroll in GUVI’s Motion Graphics Career Program to get your career off to a great start. Here, you will work on amazing real-world projects while learning how to use Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects, and Premiere Pro.

Now it’s your call…

The trends we’ve explored are not just fleeting fads; they’re shaping the future of visual communication and brand storytelling. Remember, the key to leveraging these trends is not just about keeping up with the times but also tailoring your content to resonate with your audience. Whether it’s through the nostalgic appeal of retro designs, the innovative blend of 2D and 3D animations, or the engaging dynamics of kinetic typography, each trend offers unique opportunities to captivate and communicate.

Ultimately, your success in using motion graphics will depend on how well you understand your audience and how creatively you can apply these trends to meet their expectations. So, choose wisely, and innovate boldly, and your brand’s visual storytelling will not just follow trends but set them. Here’s to making your mark in 2024 with stunning, memorable motion graphics that tell your story like never before.

Must Read: 10 Inspiring Motion Graphics Artists You Should Follow


Yes, these trends are versatile and can be adapted across various industries, from entertainment and marketing to education and technology. The key is to align the trend with your brand message and audience expectations.

Staying updated requires continuous learning. Follow industry leaders on social media, subscribe to design and animation blogs, and participate in online forums and webinars focused on motion graphics and animation.


While some trends may require advanced skills, others, like kinetic typography and grain effects, are more accessible to beginners. Start with simpler projects to build your skills and gradually tackle more complex trends as you grow.

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  1. Top Motion Graphic Trends That Are Making Waves in 2024
    • Animated Collage Animation
    • Hyper-Realism and 3D
    • Disruptive Retro
    • Mixed Media Innovation
    • Kinetic Typography
    • Grain Effects and Textures
    • Liquid Motion and Morphing
    • Isometric Designs
    • Bold and Sophisticated VFX
    • Minimalism and New Minimalism
    • Digital Surrealism
    • Virtual Reality (VR) and Immersive Experiences
    • Animated Logos
    • 3D Everywhere
    • AI Integration
    • Vertical Animations
  2. Now it's your call...
  3. FAQs
    • Can I apply these motion graphic trends to any industry?
    • How can I stay updated with motion graphic trends beyond 2024?
    • Are these trends suitable for beginners in motion graphics?