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A Complete Look on Mechanical Engineer’s Salary in India | 2023

The motive for anyone to work in any field is to receive a “Salary credited to your bank account” message at the start of the month. No matter how passionate or how interested you are, salary matters a lot. On that basis, do you have any idea about a mechanical engineer’s salary?

If you are someone who’s interested in doing mechanical engineering but afraid to do so because you don’t know how much it pays you, don’t worry, I got you covered. In this article, we are going to understand in-depth about a mechanical engineer’s salary, and also as a bonus, I’ll be giving you tips to increase your salary range too, so read till last.

Let’s get started.

Table of contents

  1. Who is a Mechanical Engineer?
  2. Factors Affecting Mechanical Engineer's Salary in India
    • Based on Experience
    • Based on Location
    • Based on skills
  3. Tips to Increase a Mechanical Engineer's Salary
    • Continuous Skill Development
    • Pursue Specialization
    • Higher Education and Certifications
    • Showcase Leadership and Initiative
    • Deliver Outstanding Performance
    • Networking and Industry Involvement
  4. Conclusion
  5. FAQs
    • What is the average salary for a mechanical engineer in India?
    • Are there industries that offer higher salaries to mechanical engineers?
    • What technical skills are essential for mechanical engineers?
    • How can mechanical engineers advance in their careers?
    • Are there regions in India where mechanical engineering jobs are in higher demand?

Who is a Mechanical Engineer?

Mechanical engineer

Before getting into detail about a mechanical engineer’s salary, let us first understand what mechanical engineering is all about and why it is important in India.

Once upon a time, the department that was famous among most Indians especially boys was mechanical engineering. It had so much craze that in every other college-based movie, the protagonist would always seem pursuing mechanical engineering. Before we go with the skills required for mechanical engineering, let us understand what mechanical engineering is all about.

Mechanical engineering is a branch of engineering that focuses on the design, analysis, development, and maintenance of mechanical systems and devices. It encompasses a wide range of activities related to the creation of physical objects and systems that involve moving parts, energy transfer, and the application of mechanical principles.

Those who have proficiency in the above-mentioned branch of engineering are what we call mechanical engineers. No matter how well the technological world develops, the underlying people who bind everything are mechanical engineers.

Before we move on to the next part, you should have a deeper knowledge of key mechanical engineering concepts. You can consider enrolling yourself in GUVI’s CAD Program for Mechanical Engineers, which lets you gain practical experience by developing real-world projects and covers technologies including AutoCAD, Solidworks, CATIA, Ansys, GD & T, etc. 

Additionally, if you would like to explore AutoCAD for Mechanical Engineering through a self-paced course, you can take GUVI’s AutoCAD Mechanical Certification Course.

Factors Affecting Mechanical Engineer’s Salary in India

Of course not every mechanical engineer’s salary will be the same throughout India. It depends on the experience, location, skillset, and so on. In this section we will be covering each one of them and understand how they affect a mechanical engineer’s salary:

1. Based on Experience

Salary based on experience

One of the major factors that influence the salary range of any field of work is experience. In the same way, a mechanical engineer’s salary is affected by it.

As engineers gain more years of practical work experience, they become more skilled, knowledgeable, and valuable to employers. With experience, engineers are often entrusted with greater responsibilities and complex projects, which can lead to higher compensation.

The experience may range from entry-level to mid-level to experienced and such. This criteria enables the employers to segregate their employees and pay them according to it. Let us understand each one of them.

a) Entry-Level (0-2 years):

Average Salary: ₹3 lakhs to ₹6 lakhs per annum.
Engineers with little to no work experience are considered entry-level. Salaries at this stage are relatively lower as engineers are still developing their skills and gaining practical exposure.

b) Mid-Level (3-7 years):

Average Salary: ₹6 lakhs to ₹12 lakhs per annum.
Engineers with a few years of experience tend to earn higher salaries as they’ve gained proficiency in their field. They might start taking on more responsibilities and contributing to projects.

c) Experienced (8-15 years):

Average Salary: ₹12 lakhs to ₹20 lakhs per annum.
Engineers with a solid track record of experience are often considered for senior roles. They might lead teams, manage projects, and have a deep understanding of their industry.

d) Senior/Leadership (15+ years):

Average Salary: ₹20 lakhs and above per annum.
Senior engineers, especially those in leadership roles, can earn significantly higher salaries. These individuals have extensive experience, and expertise, and often contribute to strategic decision-making.


2. Based on Location

Salary based on location

A mechanical engineer’s salary in India can vary significantly based on the location of work. Different cities and regions have varying costs of living, demand for engineers, and economic conditions, which can impact the compensation offered.

For example, the salary range that a mechanical engineer gets in a city may not be the same as a mechanical engineer getting in a village as various factors are involved in it, and that results in the reduction of the salary range.

Here’s a general overview of how mechanical engineering salaries might vary across different locations in India:

a) Metropolitan Cities (e.g., Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad):

Mechanical engineers working in major metropolitan cities can generally expect higher salaries due to the higher cost of living and the presence of numerous industries and technology hubs.

Salaries in these cities might range from ₹3 lakhs to ₹12 lakhs or more per annum, depending on experience and specialization.

b) Technology Hubs (e.g., Bangalore, Pune, Hyderabad):

Cities known for their technological advancements tend to offer competitive salaries. Engineers in technology hubs can potentially earn salaries ranging from ₹4 lakhs to ₹15 lakhs or more per annum.

c) Industrial Centers (e.g., Pune, Chennai, Ahmedabad):

Cities with a concentration of manufacturing industries offer good opportunities for mechanical engineers. Salaries in these areas could range from ₹3 lakhs to ₹10 lakhs or more per annum.

d) Emerging Cities (e.g., Noida, Gurgaon, Coimbatore):

Emerging cities are becoming centers for IT, manufacturing, and other industries. This offers competitive salaries as the demand for engineers is high in these parts and a mechanical engineer’s salary might range from ₹3 lakhs to ₹10 lakhs or more per annum.

e) Tier 2 and Tier 3 Cities:

Smaller cities and towns may offer relatively lower salaries compared to major metropolitan areas as every factor like demand for engineers and cost of livelihood are less. Salaries in these locations could range from ₹2.5 lakhs to ₹8 lakhs or more per annum.

f) Rural Areas:

Salaries in rural areas might be notably lower than all the other and there is little to no scope for a mechanical engineer due to limited opportunities and lower living costs. A mechanical engineer’s salary in rural areas might be in the range of ₹2 lakhs to ₹6 lakhs or more per annum.

3. Based on skills

Salary based on technical proficiency

There’s this saying “Build your skills, not your resume” and this is true for any industry that you work in. It doesn’t matter even if you add up a lot of things in your resume and you are absolutely wrong if you think that a resume with lots of matters can land you a high-paying job.

In fact, a mechanical engineer’s salary does not depend on the resume but rather depends on the skills. The more you hone your skills, the more your chances of getting a high-paying job.

So we compiled a list of skills that can help you get a raise in your salary range.

a) Basic Mechanical Engineering Skills (No Specialization):

First let us explore the majority category that is, engineers with only foundational mechanical engineering skills without specializing anything and they might earn an average salary of ₹3 lakhs to ₹6 lakhs per annum.

b) CAD and Modeling Skills (e.g., AutoCAD, SolidWorks):

Proficiency in CAD software could potentially lead to an additional 5% to 10% on top of the base salary. Since CAD is one of the important software that every mechanical engineer should know, it can make the mechanical engineer’s salary range from ₹3.15 lakhs to ₹6.6 lakhs per annum.

c) Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and Simulation Skills:

FEA is a numerical method used in engineering and computational mechanics to solve complex problems related to the structural, thermal, and fluid behavior of materials and components.

FEA is a simulation technique that breaks down a complex system into smaller, manageable parts called finite elements. By analyzing the behavior of these elements, engineers can make predictions about the overall behavior of the entire system.

Expertise in FEA and simulation tools like ANSYS or Abaqus might result in a 10% to 15% salary increase. So, the salary range could be around ₹3.3 lakhs to ₹6.9 lakhs per annum.

d) Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Skills:

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a specialized branch of engineering that deals with the simulation and analysis of fluid flow, heat transfer, and related phenomena using numerical methods and computer simulations. It’s a powerful tool used to predict and visualize how fluids (liquids and gases) behave under various conditions.

Proficiency in CFD software such as Fluent or COMSOL could potentially lead to a 10% to 15% higher salary. The salary might range from ₹3.3 lakhs to ₹6.9 lakhs per annum.

e) Automation and Robotics Knowledge:

Automation and robotics knowledge refers to an engineer’s expertise in designing, implementing, and managing automated systems and robotic technologies.

This skill set involves understanding how machines, software, and hardware can be integrated to perform tasks without human intervention, improving efficiency, accuracy, and productivity in various industries.

Engineers with automation and robotics expertise might earn an additional 10% to 15% on top of the base salary. So, the salary could be in the range of ₹3.3 lakhs to ₹6.9 lakhs per annum.

Please keep in mind that these figures are not accurate, these are just a indicating percentage increase over the base salary. Actual salaries can vary widely based on numerous factors.

Tips to Increase a Mechanical Engineer’s Salary

If you are already working in the field of mechanical engineering, you will be wondering how to advance your salary as I said at the beginning, salary is the reward that we all anticipate every month.

Advancing a mechanical engineer’s salary involves a combination of building valuable skills, showcasing expertise, seeking growth opportunities, and negotiating effectively. Here are some tips to help advance your salary as a mechanical engineer:

1. Continuous Skill Development

Continuously improving and updating your technical skills is crucial. Technology is constantly evolving, and engineers who stay current with the latest tools, software, and methodologies are more valuable to employers.

For example, learning advanced CAD software, mastering new simulation techniques, or getting familiar with emerging technologies like additive manufacturing can enhance your capabilities and make you stand out.

2. Pursue Specialization

Specializing in a specific area within mechanical engineering can lead to higher pay. When you become an expert in a niche field, your knowledge becomes sought after and valuable.

For instance, if you specialize in renewable energy systems or robotics, you can command higher compensation due to the specialized nature of your expertise.

3. Higher Education and Certifications


Obtaining higher education degrees or industry-recognized certifications can significantly impact your salary. An advanced degree like a master’s or a Ph.D. can open doors to more senior roles and specialized positions.

Certifications in areas such as project management, Six Sigma, or specific software tools can also demonstrate your proficiency and boost your earning potential.

4. Showcase Leadership and Initiative

Taking initiative and displaying leadership qualities can lead to promotions and higher salaries. As you gain experience, actively seek opportunities to lead projects, mentor junior engineers, or take on additional responsibilities. Demonstrating your ability to manage teams and drive results can position you for advancement.

5. Deliver Outstanding Performance

Consistently delivering high-quality work and exceeding expectations can lead to recognition and increased compensation. Focus on meeting project goals, and deadlines, and maintaining a strong work ethic. Being known for producing reliable results can make you an invaluable asset to your organization.

6. Networking and Industry Involvement

Networking within your industry can open doors to new opportunities and potentially higher-paying roles. Attending conferences, seminars, and industry events allows you to connect with professionals, learn about job openings, and gain insights into market trends.

Building a strong professional network can lead to referrals and recommendations that impact your career growth.

Each of these tips contributes to enhancing your overall profile and value as a mechanical engineer. Remember that salary advancement is often a result of a combination of factors, and by strategically applying these tips, you can work towards achieving a higher salary over time.

Kickstart your career by enrolling in GUVI’s CAD Career Program for Mechanical Engineers where you will master technologies including AutoCAD, Solidworks, CATIA, Ansys, GD & T, etc, and build interesting real-life mechanical projects.

Alternatively, if you would like to explore AutoCAD for Mechanical Engineering through a self-paced course, you can take GUVI’s AutoCAD Mechanical Certification Course.


In conclusion, understanding the importance of mechanical engineering in India is crucial as everyone is running behind computer science engineering these days. Though it is not as high paying as the latter, a mechanical engineer’s salary is still decent, and a high-paying job.

While the mentioned figures may vary across regions and sectors, the overall average salary remains the same. It is important for you to choose where you work, what you work, and how you work to make sure you are getting good pay and sustain in that.


What is the average salary for a mechanical engineer in India?

The average salary for a mechanical engineer in India varies based on factors like experience, location, and industry. Entry-level salaries can range from ₹3 lakhs to ₹6 lakhs, while experienced professionals can earn ₹12 lakhs to ₹20 lakhs or more annually.

Are there industries that offer higher salaries to mechanical engineers?

Yes, specialized industries like aerospace, automotive, and technology often offer higher salaries due to the demand for niche skills and expertise.

What technical skills are essential for mechanical engineers?

Proficiency in CAD software, FEA, CFD, materials science, and programming languages like Python or MATLAB is crucial for mechanical engineers.

How can mechanical engineers advance in their careers?

Advancement can be achieved through continuous learning, specialization, leadership roles, and acquiring certifications.


Are there regions in India where mechanical engineering jobs are in higher demand?

Technology hubs like Bangalore, Pune, and Hyderabad offer significant job opportunities due to the presence of IT and manufacturing industries.

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  1. Who is a Mechanical Engineer?
  2. Factors Affecting Mechanical Engineer's Salary in India
    • Based on Experience
    • Based on Location
    • Based on skills
  3. Tips to Increase a Mechanical Engineer's Salary
    • Continuous Skill Development
    • Pursue Specialization
    • Higher Education and Certifications
    • Showcase Leadership and Initiative
    • Deliver Outstanding Performance
    • Networking and Industry Involvement
  4. Conclusion
  5. FAQs
    • What is the average salary for a mechanical engineer in India?
    • Are there industries that offer higher salaries to mechanical engineers?
    • What technical skills are essential for mechanical engineers?
    • How can mechanical engineers advance in their careers?
    • Are there regions in India where mechanical engineering jobs are in higher demand?