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How to Become a Java Developer in 2024?

Hi Folks, If you seek to become a Java Developer or want to take your Java Programming skills to the next level but are not sure which tools, technologies, libraries, and frameworks to use then you have stumbled upon the right article. According to Glassdoor, the average salary of a Java developer is around ₹458,970/year. The pay scale ranges from a minimum of ₹200k per annum to a maximum of ₹1 million per annum. 

Naturally, Gaining Java development skills and becoming a Java developer is a smart career choice for anybody interested in software development. In this comprehensive guide, you will learn everything you need to know to become a Java Developer. We’ll deconstruct the skills you’ll need, the job responsibilities, and more. But first What is Java and who exactly is a Java developer? 

Table of contents

  1. What is Java?
  2. What it's like to be a Java Developer?
  3. Skills required to become a Java Developer?
    • Java Development Abilities
    • Testing
    • Database Skills (SQL)
    • Project Management & Architectural Skills
    • Git Version Control & GitHub
    • Communication & Negotiation
  4. Tips to jumpstart your career in Java
    • First & foremost, Learn JAVA
    • Connect with JAVA Community
    • Practice your skills and build a portfolio
  5. Frequently Asked Question
    • What qualifications do I need to be a Java developer?
    • Is it easy to become a Java developer?
    • Can I get a job after learning Java?
    • How can I start a career in Java?

What is Java?

In layman’s terms, Java is a programming language that developers use for software mobile and web development. A small team known as “The Green Team” led by James Gosling developed a Java project, which is initially designed to be: 

  • Simple
  • Portable
  • Robust
  • Secured
  • Platform-independent
  • Multithreaded
  • High Performance
  • Interpreted
  • Dynamic
  • Architecture Neutral

Although Java’s got a bit of a bad reputation, as usual, some of this is deserved and some are just made up. Before java came into the picture,  C++ was dominating to build cool things. Some people still call java a lobotomized version of C++. it’s a rather rude way of saying it but we guess it’s kind of right java traded off the risky stuff in C++ to make it easier to use. 

In the early years, it was the saying that C++ was great but if things went wrong, and if you shot yourself in the foot you’d tend to blow your whole leg off. Whereas Java allowed us to shoot ourselves in the foot and only leave us with a bit of a limp.

The big step forward was garbage collection. Rookie C++ programmers had over time learned defensive tricks to protect themselves from the dreaded pointer problems that were so commonplace. But the new-age developers were relatively early adopters of JAVA, so they did not need to chase down or worry about the pointer bugs anymore. 

Moreover, just like C or C++, Java is a platform-neutral language, which implies that it is not tied to any particular hardware or operating system. Probably the reason it’s also known as WORA. ( Write Once, Run Anywhere)

Before proceeding further, make sure you have a strong grasp of essential concepts in Java Full Stack Development, including front-end frameworks, back-end technologies, and database management. If you’re looking for a professional future in Java Full Stack Development, consider joining GUVI’s Java Full Stack Development Career Program. With placement assistance included, you’ll master the Java stack and build real-world projects to enhance your skills.

What it’s like to be a Java Developer? 

On a normal day, Java developers are in charge of creating, planning, and overseeing Java-based software and processes. The most notable applications of Java programming language includes software tools, online applications, android applications, Java-based retro games, scientific application, and more. Have you heard about a hugely loved game called Minecraft, a simple Wikipedia search, or even the programming behind Mars Rover? All are based on Java. But on average, Java developers mostly operate in two broad fields: mobile app development and software/back-end development.   


Although the roles and responsibilities of a Java developer vary with experience. For Instance: An entry-level Java developer will be responsible for writing basic code and fixing bugs whereas a senior-level Java developer will be overlooking planning, consulting, and reviewing sophisticated Java projects and pipelines. But one thing is sure, as a Java developer, and gradually pacing through a Java Career, you will have the exposure to collaborate with many MNCs and Fortune 500 companies, many of which use Java-coded software to develop a product or service helpful for their business.  Though programming languages like Python and Go have become more popular, Java remains strong and effective, so it’s here to stay.

Some fundamental Java Developer tasks include:

  • Planning, modifying, and deploying testable and well-designed code.
  • Carrying out testing, software development, testing, and debugging in the scrum pipeline.
  • Applying logic to address issues.
  • Creating end-user documentation that helps users navigate the system
  • Collaborate and have client meetings and learn the requirements of stakeholders.

Skills required to become a Java Developer?

In order to make a promising career in Java programming, a candidate needs to have the following skills:

Java Development Abilities

Well, this was obvious, as a Java Developer, you will be creating code from scratch for a range of web as well as non-web-based projects. You need to know Java proficiently and use it to create new projects, features, updates, and fix bugs. On an intricate level, you will need to know:

  • The difference between Java card, Java ME, Java EE, and Java SE.
  • First, master the core Java SE and then move to JAVA EE. You should be familiar with the basic idea of programming in Java such as loops, arrays, operators, etc. Also Learn General Purpose APIs such as, Java.lang, and Java.math, etc.
  • Java EE is known to provide extra capabilities for programming languages such as distributed computing and web applications. Learn to incorporate tools like Servlet, WebSockets, Java Server faces, etc.
  • How to use common Java frameworks like the Spring framework and the Hibernate framework


As we stated above in the infographic, you need to know how to test your code before deployment. You will need to know how to perform functionality testing, unit testing, and static code testing. single-user performance testing and more.

Database Skills (SQL)

Many Programmers use Structured Query Language (SQL) when building and using databases. So in case, you’re preparing yourself for a Java Career, get familiar with SQL and database handling. Ideally, you should also learn the basics of Microsoft SQL, Oracle 12c, and MySQL databases.

Read this blog>> To learn all data types in the JAVA programming Language.

Project Management & Architectural Skills

A software project is an accumulative effort of many programming languages. As you progress with JAVA EE, you can combine your Java prowess with front-end technologies like JavaScript, HTML, PHP, and CSS. Naturally, you should know how to follow SDLC. (Software development life cycle) and how to progress your project through six phases: planning, analysis, implementation, design, testing, and integration. Also, familiarise yourself with Agile philosophy and Waterfall methods.

You must know ways to construct a project’s architecture to be logical, consistent, and extendable in the long run.

Git Version Control & GitHub

If you’re working on a streamlined project with many open ends and developers, you may want to keep track of what changes were made, by whom, and when these changes were made. That’s when Git version control comes into play. Git helps you track various versions of your code across time and lets you collaborate with other developers seamlessly.

If you are to become a Java developer, you need to learn Git version control, and GitHub to host your code over the cloud.

Github and Git

Communication & Negotiation

Being in an IT background, you need to have good communication and written communication skills. You also need to brush up on your soft skills as well as negotiation skills and learn how to build rapport with your clients and colleagues, making liaising with vendors easy.

Tips to jumpstart your career in Java

If you are aiming to become a Java Developer in 2024, you will be glad to know that learning and resources are more accessible and intuitive now than ever before. Let’s outline some cool platforms to learn Java for FREE/minimal prices

First & foremost, Learn JAVA

We feature various self-paced JAVA courses in multiple languages to smoothen out your journey in programming. We also unveil many Webinars, and podcasts based on JAVA programming. With our advanced course catalog, you can now learn JAVA in English, Tamil, Telugu & more.

With our CodeKata and WebKata practice platforms, you can practice your JAVA coding in a fun & engaging way. Our JAVA courses cover topics like:

  • The basics of JAVA programming
  • Create GUIs with JAVA.
  • How to incorporate Java Platform’s features.
  • Learn to deploy applications using Java Plug-in & Java Web Start.

Automation Testing Jobs are on Surge in 2024. Learn JAVA Automation Testing with this Live Program.

Automation testing engineer

Connect with JAVA Community

Java offers rich and vibrant community support. There are many forums, groups, subreddits, and channels across a number of platforms that can help you connect with fellow Java Developers. Java is also a prominent programming language in Stack Overflow and Medium, and you can find a number of articles based on your problem. Just post your query, and you can have the expertise within minutes.

Join Subreddit r/learnjava or Linkedin’s Java Developer community.

Visit Stack Overflow’s Java Tag

Practice your skills and build a portfolio

Next, you’ll want to practice your skills and build a colorful portfolio to showcase the future potential employers that you are proficient with the JAVA programming language. Aim to create several Java-based applications ( add at least one Web-based, GUI-based application), and don’t forget to add the source code in your Git Repository. These projects don’t need to be sophisticated or simple, they are simply to demonstrate that you are capable of developing enterprise-level Java applications.

Try your JAVA skills in CodeKata

Begin your career journey with GUVI’s Java Full Stack Development Career Program, providing placement assistance. Master essential technologies including Java, Maven, Eclipse, HTML, CSS, MongoDB, and more while working on practical real-world projects to enhance your expertise.

Frequently Asked Question

What qualifications do I need to be a Java developer?

Becoming a Java Developer often requires a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or a related field but experience is preferred. Some of the biggest Java Devs are self-taught and they generally learn from the documentation and constantly update themselves when new features or versions get released.

Is it easy to become a Java developer?

While Java is one of the most widely used programming languages, it is still somewhat challenging to learn. On average it takes one year to become proficient in JAVA, however, the timeframe depends on the roadmap and the learner’s aptitude. Start your Java Learning today.

Can I get a job after learning Java?

Yes, there are numerous Java opportunities that are borne every day by the vast industry application Java possesses for itself and the trend is only upwards.


How can I start a career in Java?

As mentioned above, start with the basics of JAVA SE and use this course to build your basic Java Skills.

Career transition

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  1. What is Java?
  2. What it's like to be a Java Developer?
  3. Skills required to become a Java Developer?
    • Java Development Abilities
    • Testing
    • Database Skills (SQL)
    • Project Management & Architectural Skills
    • Git Version Control & GitHub
    • Communication & Negotiation
  4. Tips to jumpstart your career in Java
    • First & foremost, Learn JAVA
    • Connect with JAVA Community
    • Practice your skills and build a portfolio
  5. Frequently Asked Question
    • What qualifications do I need to be a Java developer?
    • Is it easy to become a Java developer?
    • Can I get a job after learning Java?
    • How can I start a career in Java?