![30 Best JavaScript Project Ideas For You [3 Bonus Portfolio Projects] 1 Post thumbnail](https://www.guvi.in/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/animated-javascript-project-image.jpg)
30 Best JavaScript Project Ideas For You [3 Bonus Portfolio Projects]
Feb 10, 2025 8 Min Read 126107 Views
(Last Updated)
Does the aspect of building interactive web applications interest you? If yes, then you must start learning JavaScript. Once you learn the basics of the language, you need to keep practicing by building JavaScript projects.
For those starting out, JavaScript is an object-oriented programming language that enables its developers to take complete control of the web elements and build dynamic, graphic, and interactive components with ease.
If you are a newbie in the world of JavaScript programming or need to test your JS skills with some great projects, we have got you all covered.
This article will give you some of the best JavaScript Mini Project Ideas for beginners and awesome project ideas with source codes for intermediate and advanced JavaScript developers to build their portfolios.
Let’s check them out one-by-one:
![30 Best JavaScript Project Ideas For You [3 Bonus Portfolio Projects] 2 a beginner working on JavaScript projects and thinking about it.](https://www.guvi.in/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/js-pro-beg.jpg)
Table of contents
- 1) JavaScript Mini Project Ideas for Beginners
- 1) Countdown Timer
- 2) Quotes Generator
- 3) Form Validation Page
- 4) To-Do List
- 5) Speech Detection
- 6) BMI Calculator
- 7) Hex Colour Background Change
- 8) Webpage Filter
- 9) Digital Clock
- 10) Popup Message Generation
- 2) JavaScript project Ideas for Intermediate level
- 1) Single Page Application
- 2) A Currency Converter
- 3) A Quiz App
- 4) Wikipedia Search
- 5) Dictionary App
- 6) RSS News Feed Reader
- 7) Guess The Number Game
- 8) Whack a Mole Game
- 9) 2D Brick Breaker Game
- 10) Rock Paper Scissors With a Computer
- 3) JavaScript project Ideas for Advanced level
- 1) Maze Game
- 2) Movie App
- 3) Analytics App
- 4) File Sharing App
- 5) Clone Instagram App
- 6) Weather App
- 7) Pinterest Clone
- 8) Chat Application
- 9) Amazon Clone
- 10) Music Player App
- 4) Best Project Ideas for JavaScript Portfolio
- 1) Create an Image to Video Editing App
- 2) Build a Stock Trading App
- 3) Create a Survey Application
- 5) Tips to Choose the Best JavaScript Projects for You
- Final Words
- FAQs
- What is the Easiest Javascript Project?
- How to create a Javascript Project?
- How much time does it take to complete a JavaScript project?
- What JavaScript projects are suitable for enhancing my front-end skills?
- What JavaScript projects are suitable for improving algorithmic skills?
1) JavaScript Mini Project Ideas for Beginners
If you wish to start polishing your JavaScript skills, you need to get a hang of its various concepts and functions through some targeted projects.
You can practice building small elements through these projects and learn to execute specific concepts before advancing to trickier ones.
Following are some Simple JavaScript Projects for Beginners or Students:
1.1) Countdown Timer
![30 Best JavaScript Project Ideas For You [3 Bonus Portfolio Projects] 3 Count down timer](https://www.guvi.in/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/timer-300x300.png)
Create a simple countdown timer with JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. You can play with the appearance as per your liking. With this project, you’ll get to know and use various time functions in JavaScript.
Click here for Countdown Timer JavaScript Source Code
Before diving into the next section, ensure you’re solid on full-stack development essentials like front-end frameworks, back-end technologies, and database management. If you are looking for a detailed Full Stack Development career program, you can join GUVI’s Full Stack Development Course with Placement Assistance. You will be able to master the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) and build real-life projects.
Additionally, if you want to explore JavaScript through a self-paced course, try GUVI’s JavaScript certification course.
1.2) Quotes Generator
![30 Best JavaScript Project Ideas For You [3 Bonus Portfolio Projects] 4 Quotes Generator](https://www.guvi.in/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/quote-gen-300x225.jpg)
Quotes generator is another basic JavaScript project for beginners. You would be creating a dynamic quotes generator that randomly displays quotes by famous personalities. You can also customize it to display situations, dialogues, prompts, etc.
Click here for Quotes Generator JavaScript Source Code
1.3) Form Validation Page
![30 Best JavaScript Project Ideas For You [3 Bonus Portfolio Projects] 5 Form validation page](https://www.guvi.in/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/form-validation-300x205.png)
Almost every website today uses a form page to generate leads. With this easy Javascript Project, you would be creating a form validation page. You would practice concepts of obtaining and storing data while working on this project.
Click here for form validation JavaScript source code
1.4) To-Do List
![30 Best JavaScript Project Ideas For You [3 Bonus Portfolio Projects] 6 To do list](https://www.guvi.in/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/to-do-list-212x300.webp)
A to-do list is among the easiest JavaScript projects for beginners which allows you to create a to-do app or web page through JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. You can practice adding, editing, and deleting elements while allowing the user to mark a task as finished.
Click here for a to-do list of JavaScript source code
1.5) Speech Detection
![30 Best JavaScript Project Ideas For You [3 Bonus Portfolio Projects] 7 Speech Detection](https://www.guvi.in/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/speech-detection-300x225.jpg)
As an interesting JavaScript project, beginners can easily build a speech detection API or a text-to-speech web application using the web speech API to integrate with your JavaScript code.
Click here for speech recognition source JavaScript source code
1.6) BMI Calculator
![30 Best JavaScript Project Ideas For You [3 Bonus Portfolio Projects] 8 BMI Calculator](https://www.guvi.in/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/bmi-edited.jpg)
A BMI calculator is a beginner-friendly project in JavaScript. With this project, you would create a simple calculator that would ask for height and weight as input from the user return the BMI value, and classify it accordingly.
Click here for the BMI Calculator JavaScript source code.
1.7) Hex Colour Background Change
![30 Best JavaScript Project Ideas For You [3 Bonus Portfolio Projects] 9 Hex Colour Background change](https://www.guvi.in/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/bg-colour-300x234.png)
A very interesting yet beginner-friendly JavaScript mini project, you can build a Hex Colour Background changer through JavaScript.
The project would allow the user to change the background color of the page on the screen while displaying its corresponding hexadecimal value. Cool, right?
Click here for Hex Colour Background Change JavaScript source code
1.8) Webpage Filter
![30 Best JavaScript Project Ideas For You [3 Bonus Portfolio Projects] 10 webpage Filter](https://www.guvi.in/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/filter-300x300.jpg)
How many times those filters on e-commerce sites have saved our time, energy, and lots of productivity? Numerous times. You can also create a webpage filter project in JavaScript and get a hang of data sorting and selection in JavaScript.
Click here for the webpage filter project source code
1.9) Digital Clock
![30 Best JavaScript Project Ideas For You [3 Bonus Portfolio Projects] 11 Digital Clock](https://www.guvi.in/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/clock-digi.png)
You would see a digital clock on many websites and examination dashboards. You can create various types of clocks to integrate with any website.
You can work on building a Digital clock JavaScript Project that uses various time and maths-related functions from the JS library.
Click here for the Digital Clock JavaScript source code
1.10) Popup Message Generation
![30 Best JavaScript Project Ideas For You [3 Bonus Portfolio Projects] 12 Popup Message generation](https://www.guvi.in/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/pop-up-edited.webp)
Reading a blog or making a purchase, we encounter some or the other pop-ups multiple times. With this JavaScript project, you would create your own pop-up page and learn to deploy it on a webpage when required.
Click here for the Pop Up Message Generation JavaScript source code
![30 Best JavaScript Project Ideas For You [3 Bonus Portfolio Projects] 13 popup message generation javascript code](https://www.guvi.in/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/js-pro-int.jpg)
2) JavaScript project Ideas for Intermediate level
Once you’ve mastered the core concepts and their uses to create various interactive elements in JavaScript, you can switch to the bigger league.
You can try creating some simple applications by combining multiple JavaScript concepts to sharpen your skills.
Following are some JavaScript Projects for Intermediate coders/learners with Souce Code:
2.1) Single Page Application
![30 Best JavaScript Project Ideas For You [3 Bonus Portfolio Projects] 14 Single page application](https://www.guvi.in/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/single-page-app-edited-2-300x300.jpg)
A single-page application usually brings the contents from the web server to the present page, rather than loading entire pages at once. We all use them on a daily basis while working with Gmail, Netflix, Maps, etc. It’s time you create one yourself.
Click here for a Single Page Application source code
2.2) A Currency Converter
![30 Best JavaScript Project Ideas For You [3 Bonus Portfolio Projects] 15 Currency converter](https://www.guvi.in/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/curr-converter-300x300.png)
A currency converter is one of the coolest intermediate JavaScript projects for college students or anyone who wants to create an interactive web application.
The converter could have as many currencies as you wish. You can start with just 2 in the beginning.
Click here for the Currency Converter JavaScript source code.
2.3) A Quiz App
![30 Best JavaScript Project Ideas For You [3 Bonus Portfolio Projects] 16 Quiz App](https://www.guvi.in/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/quiz-1-300x300.png)
A quiz app would be a very innovative project for intermediate JavaScript coders. With a little help from CSS and HTML, you can create an impressive quiz app with better features.
You can decide the number of options, and buttons for a better user experience or even add a timer that you created above! Seems fun.
Click here for Currency Converter JavaScript Source Code
2.4) Wikipedia Search
![30 Best JavaScript Project Ideas For You [3 Bonus Portfolio Projects] 17 wiki search](https://www.guvi.in/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/wiki-search-300x222.png)
A Wikipedia search might seem tedious, but it’s a great JavaScript project for intermediate coders, once you get a good understanding of various functions and a mapped-out logic.
You would implement a web application that creates a simple search engine for Wikipedia. Go, get your hands dirty now.
Click here for Wikipedia Search JavaScript Source Code
2.5) Dictionary App
![30 Best JavaScript Project Ideas For You [3 Bonus Portfolio Projects] 18 Dictionary app](https://www.guvi.in/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/dictionary-edited.jpg)
We all have used a dictionary app multiple times. How would you like to create one, with your own features and quirks? You can again use the search logic you applied in the above project.
It’s a great JavaScript project for intermediate learners. You can add a text box to take words as input and a search button to show the meaning, usage in sentences, pronunciation, etc.
Click here for the Dictionary app Javascript source code
2.6) RSS News Feed Reader
![30 Best JavaScript Project Ideas For You [3 Bonus Portfolio Projects] 19 RSS News Feed reader](https://www.guvi.in/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/rss-feed-read-300x150.jpg)
With this project, we would be creating a basic news feed display for a news website. The project could involve you creating a news landing page through JavaScript which shows different news pieces in boxes with a clickable link to the detailed article.
Once you succeed with basic outlook, you can integrate various web apps as well to make it better.
Click here for News Feed Reader Javascript source code
2.7) Guess The Number Game
![30 Best JavaScript Project Ideas For You [3 Bonus Portfolio Projects] 20 Guess the number game](https://www.guvi.in/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/guess-the-number.jpeg)
A guess the number game can be pretty fun, based on how you want it to turn out. It could be a simple game that provides points when the user guesses a random number it has selected from a range.
It could also be an interactive game with great rules, design, and concepts like limited chances, hints, clues, etc.
Click here for Guess the Number JavaScript source code
2.8) Whack a Mole Game
![30 Best JavaScript Project Ideas For You [3 Bonus Portfolio Projects] 21 Whack a mole game](https://www.guvi.in/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/whack-a-mole-300x174.webp)
Whack a mole is a famous game that involves quickly hitting a mole the moment it peeps out of a random hole. A faster reaction means a better score.
Creating this game could be a fun JavaScript project for intermediate coders. You would have to build functions that generate random holes for the mouse to stick out, the random duration for which the mouse would stick out, and a function that combines the two.
Click here for Whack a Mole JavaScript source cod
2.9) 2D Brick Breaker Game
![30 Best JavaScript Project Ideas For You [3 Bonus Portfolio Projects] 22 2D brick Breaker Game](https://www.guvi.in/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/brick-breaker-300x300.png)
Intermediate JavaScript developers can work on a 2-D brick breaker game to further hone their skills. It could start from a basic 2-3 levels and then you can scale it up further. You would need to use control structures, 2D arrays, and HTML Canvas Web API to create this game.
Click here for News Feed Reader JavaScript source code
2.10) Rock Paper Scissors With a Computer
![30 Best JavaScript Project Ideas For You [3 Bonus Portfolio Projects] 23 Rock paper Scissors with computer](https://www.guvi.in/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/rps-300x266.jpg)
Rock, Paper, and Scissors is quite a fun game to play with your friend. Well, make your computer your friend and try beating it.
You would create a basic Rock, Paper, and Scissor game for this javascript project. You can make it more interactive and graphic if you’re feeling creative.
Click here for Rock Paper Scissors JavaScript source code
![30 Best JavaScript Project Ideas For You [3 Bonus Portfolio Projects] 24 JavaScript Projects for Advanced Coders](https://www.guvi.in/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/js-pro-adv.jpg)
3) JavaScript project Ideas for Advanced level
Now that you have successfully created beginner and intermediate-level JavaScript projects, it’s time to switch to the big guns. You must be eager to challenge yourself in JavaScript coding if you are looking for Advanced JavaScript Projects.
At this stage, you can start creating big, complex applications or programs that involve using several functions, libraries, and frameworks like ReactJS, JQuery, Node.JS, etc. Some of these high-level JavaScript projects could take months to develop, but you would come out as a complete JavaScript developer.
Following are some JavaScript Projects for Advanced Coders/Learners with Source Code:
3.1) Maze Game
![30 Best JavaScript Project Ideas For You [3 Bonus Portfolio Projects] 25 Maze game](https://www.guvi.in/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/maze-edited.webp)
You must have played various maze games and we all can agree they’re super fun.
Although maze games could be counted as advanced JavaScript projects, this one would help you get to experience with advanced JavaScript, data structures and algorithm concepts, and some beginner-level React JS.
Click here for Maze Game JavaScript source code
3.2) Movie App
![30 Best JavaScript Project Ideas For You [3 Bonus Portfolio Projects] 26 Movie app](https://www.guvi.in/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/movie-app-edited.jpeg)
Creating a movie app could be a great choice in advanced javascript projects for college students looking for a new opportunity in JavaScript development.
The project would become pretty easy once you integrate the Movies API. Your users can search for a movie, add it to their wishlist, check its description, and perform other related functions.
Click here for Movie App Javascript Source Code
3.3) Analytics App
![30 Best JavaScript Project Ideas For You [3 Bonus Portfolio Projects] 27 Analytics app](https://www.guvi.in/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/data-analytics-edited-300x300.webp)
Looking at JavaScript project ideas for advanced learners, an analytics app seems to be among the most popular Javascript projects. Your application can be very intuitive and hands-on as it analyzes the site’s SEO, clicks, website audience, demography, etc.
Click here for Analytics App JavaScript source code
3.4) File Sharing App
![30 Best JavaScript Project Ideas For You [3 Bonus Portfolio Projects] 28 File sharing app](https://www.guvi.in/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/file-transfer-edited.jpg)
For a file-sharing app, data security is a major thing to keep in mind. With this app, the users should be able to send and receive encrypted files securely. They should also be able to decrypt and read them.
It can also download and open the files in the browser after completing the setup. Using JavaScript’s Vigil Crypto library could be extremely helpful with this JavaScript project.
Click here for the File Sharing App JavaScript source code
3.5) Clone Instagram App
![30 Best JavaScript Project Ideas For You [3 Bonus Portfolio Projects] 29 Clone Instagram app](https://www.guvi.in/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/instagram-clone-edited.webp)
Instagram is one of the biggest and most famous social media apps that exist today. It has multiple features like sharing images across the server, recording likes, comments, and other analytics for posts.
To develop this advanced JavaScript project, you would need to have a good understanding of Node.Js, React JS, Postgres, JWT, Redis, and Context to build the backend and frontend architecture of the application.
Click here for Instagram Cone JavaScript source code
3.6) Weather App
![30 Best JavaScript Project Ideas For You [3 Bonus Portfolio Projects] 30 Weather app](https://www.guvi.in/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/weather-app-300x300.jpg)
A weather app is considered among the most popular JavaScript projects for students in the developer community. A weather app should ideally present the current, minimum, and maximum temperatures in degrees Celcius or Fahrenheit. It should also allow users to select their desired city/area and them.
Adding more graphical elements like sky conditions, icons to signify the weather and other animations can be integrated as you get more comfortable. You can try integrating Dark Sky API to get information about weather analytics.
Click here for the Weather App JavaScript source code
3.7) Pinterest Clone
![30 Best JavaScript Project Ideas For You [3 Bonus Portfolio Projects] 31 Pinterest clone](https://www.guvi.in/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/pinterest-app-edited.jpeg)
Using Pinterest for inspiration is the new global language for GenZ. Well, it’s the geeks who would take a step above and try to create a Pinterest clone. It could be a little tricky, but with complete mapping and a clear thought process, you’ll come around.
It’s a great high-level project in JavaScript for students and aspiring professionals. With this Pinterest clone, users should be able to upload pictures, add tags to them, share, view, and create relevant boards for them.
Click here for Pinterest clone JavaScript source code
3.8) Chat Application
![30 Best JavaScript Project Ideas For You [3 Bonus Portfolio Projects] 32 Chat application](https://www.guvi.in/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/chat-app-edited-300x225.jpg)
Whatsapp and other chat applications integrated with applications have become a major source of communication. Although, building such real-time chat applications comes under advanced JavaScript projects because of their complex structure.
You could use ReactJS, Node.js, and Socket.io to create a chat application that allows users to send and receive real-time messages.
Click here for real-time chat application JavaScript source code
3.9) Amazon Clone
![30 Best JavaScript Project Ideas For You [3 Bonus Portfolio Projects] 33 Amazon clone](https://www.guvi.in/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/amazon-clone-300x150.jpg)
E-commerce has become a highly bankable source of income for most businesses. Hence a lot of them wish to gain more customers by creating a great e-commerce application or website.
Creating an Amazon e-commerce app/website clone is among the best advanced JavaScript projects. While you must be an expert with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, it’s imperative to learn React, Firebase, and Stripe along with the APIs they provide.
Click here for Amazon Clone JavaScript source code
3.10) Music Player App
![30 Best JavaScript Project Ideas For You [3 Bonus Portfolio Projects] 34 Music player app](https://www.guvi.in/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/music-app-300x263.webp)
A music player is a classic JavaScript project for advanced coders. It involves the creation of an application that could access all music available on the device, search, play, pause, repeat, or shuffle the playlists.
Click here for Music Player JavaScript source code
![30 Best JavaScript Project Ideas For You [3 Bonus Portfolio Projects] 35 Advanced JavaScript Projects for Portfolio](https://www.guvi.in/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/js-pro-port.jpg)
4) Best Project Ideas for JavaScript Portfolio
Although learning JavaScript is a continuous process, once you have achieved success with complex JavaScript applications/programs, you should consider preparing for jobs in the field. You can easily get a good job as a JavaScript developer without experience on the basis of your skills.
You can show your skills to employers through a good portfolio of JavaScript projects under your belt. The best JavaScript projects for a portfolio can be a popular application clone or an elaborate game. You can also create a multimedia platform or an impressive website that fulfills an industry gap.
You can consider executing the following examples of Top JavaScript Projects for Portfolio with Souce Code:
4.1) Create an Image to Video Editing App
![30 Best JavaScript Project Ideas For You [3 Bonus Portfolio Projects] 36 create an image to video editing app](https://www.guvi.in/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/video-editor-300x252.jpg)
With the revolution in video content brought by tic-tok and Reels, video editing jobs have skyrocketed and so is the need for on-mobile video editing. Thus, including a video editing application as a JavaScript project for your portfolio can help you bag that job or internship.
For starters, you can create an online application that allows users to upload pictures and create a video out of them by adding music, transitions, etc. You would have to use Node.js extensively to build this project.
Click here for Video Editing Application JavaScript source code
4.2) Build a Stock Trading App
![30 Best JavaScript Project Ideas For You [3 Bonus Portfolio Projects] 37 Build a stock trading app](https://www.guvi.in/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/stock-trading-300x300.webp)
The finance market is rising rapidly. Hence the need for better financial trading applications and resources. A stock trading application could be a perfect JavaScript project for a portfolio.
You can allow the users to see the rise and fall in stocks and trade them in a stimulator environment (for the project). You can integrate the Stock API for the application to function. You would need to use Node.js, and Express.js along with basic API integration.
Click here for the Stock Trading Application JavaScript source code
4.3) Create a Survey Application
![30 Best JavaScript Project Ideas For You [3 Bonus Portfolio Projects] 38 create a survey application](https://www.guvi.in/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/survey-edited-300x300.webp)
Most businesses today rely on survey applications and websites to conduct market research. Thus, a survey app could be the next innovative portfolio JavaScript project.
Your application should allow the user to add a new survey, and feed in new questions and answer options along with an edit option. This could become more engaging with the help of various buttons and graphics as per your choice.
Click here for the Survey Application JavaScript source code
5) Tips to Choose the Best JavaScript Projects for You
Choosing the correct JavaScript project is as important as deciding on and completing one. Taking up the wrong project could prove harmful to your learning process and leave you frustrated with little success or satisfaction.
A beginner college student could take up easy mini projects while a professional aspirant should consider doing projects that help companies analyze their skill potential.
We have divided the above projects based on your proficiency as a coder. Choosing the wrong proficiency level or working on several projects of the same difficulty level would stunt your growth and bar you from learning new skills.
So, you must keep the following things in mind to choose the best JavaScript project for you:
- Know your proficiency level and opt for a project accordingly.
- Understand when it’s time to move up the difficulty ladder to keep pushing your limits.
- Strengthen your basics and core concepts through small, individual projects before working on bigger projects.
- Seek feedback and help from the online coding community when you feel stuck and keep at it until you succeed.
- Before starting a project, do your research and understand its technical and skill requirements. If you don’t possess them, try mastering them first.
- Try building different use cases around one function/concept so that you can apply it in more advanced projects.
Final Words
You must have heard that the first impression is the last impression. Web developers and application builders take that very seriously. Hence most companies/organizations today are actively looking for JavaScript developers to create interactive web applications to scale their business.
We hope the above-compiled list of Cool JavaScript Project Ideas will help you scale your learning curve. Just keep practicing and challenging yourself with these projects and soon, you’ll be ready for JavaScript developer jobs.
Kickstart your Full Stack Development journey by enrolling in GUVI’s certified Full Stack Development Course with Placement Assistance where you will master the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) and build interesting real-life projects. This program is crafted by our team of experts to help you upskill and assist you in placements.
Alternatively, if you want to explore JavaScript through a self-paced course, try GUVI’s JavaScript course.
1. What is the Easiest Javascript Project?
A timer or a to-do app is among the simplest and easiest JavaScript projects and is very beginner-friendly.
2. How to create a Javascript Project?
Creating a JavaScript project is very easy if you’re familiar with the basic functions and core concepts of implementing JavaScript code. Although, the time, effort, and difficulty of projects vary with the complexity of the program you are looking to develop.
3. How much time does it take to complete a JavaScript project?
Based on the complexity of the project, it could take a few hours to build JavaScript mini-projects for beginners, while taking several months to build advanced Javascript projects for portfolios.
4. What JavaScript projects are suitable for enhancing my front-end skills?
Enhance front-end skills with projects like a photo gallery with lightbox effects, a responsive navigation menu, or an image slider. Focus on creating visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces.
5. What JavaScript projects are suitable for improving algorithmic skills?
Challenge yourself with algorithmic projects such as a sorting visualizer, a pathfinding algorithm simulator, or a Sudoku solver. These projects enhance problem-solving abilities.
As a self taught web developer, which I don’t really know what steps to follow, or when should certain thing be done. I can tell this article will really help me, now I know what project I should tackle first that can advance my knowledge in coding for more complex’s ones. Thanks for the knowledge 🙏🏾
I like it.