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Best Way to Learn Data Engineering in 2024

Have you ever wondered what it takes to become a data engineer? Is unraveling complex patterns and shaping the future through data-driven decision-making the best way to learn data engineering?

The world of data engineering is vast and captivating, but with so much information available, finding the best way to learn data engineering and master this field can be overwhelming.

But to make it easy for you, we laid out a way and this can act as the guide to explore the most effective methods to become a data engineer in this ever-growing technological world. So, let’s get started.

Table of contents

  1. What is Data Engineering?
  2. Best Way to Learn Data Engineering
    • Step 1: Start by Understanding the Basics of Data and Databases
    • Step 2: Be a Master of Programming Languages
    • Step 3: Jump to Database Concepts and SQL
    • Step 4: Explore Data Modeling and Design
    • Step 5: Grasp ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) Processes
    • Step 6: Understand the concept of Big Data
    • Step 7: Explore Big Data Frameworks
    • Step 8: Learn Cloud Platforms
    • Step 10: Hands-On Practice with ETL Tools
    • Step 11: Real-World Projects
    • Step 12: Networking and Continuous Learning
    • Step 14: Stay Current with Evolving Technologies
  3. Conclusion
  4. FAQ
    • What is a data engineer?
    • How does a data engineer differ from a data scientist?
    • What tools and technologies do data engineers use?
    • Is hands-on experience important for learning data engineering?
    • Are certifications valuable for learning data engineering?

What is Data Engineering?

Data Engineering

Before getting into the topic of the best way to learn data engineering, we have to check if your basics are strong. Because without knowing what data engineering is, the best way to learn data engineering won’t be possible.

Data Engineering may sound complicated and in fact, when one hears the name data engineering, they tend to say “This sounds more complex” but trust me, in real, data engineering is simple. Let me put it in a more humane and simple words.

Imagine you have a big treasure chest full of different types of valuable things like gold, jewels, and coins. Now, think about how you would organize and store all these treasures in a way that makes them easy to find and use whenever you want.

Data engineering is like organizing and storing information, but instead of treasures, we’re dealing with lots of data. Data can be anything from numbers and words to pictures and videos. Data engineers are like clever organizers who build special places (like virtual shelves and cabinets) to keep all the data safe and well-arranged.

They also make sure that when someone wants to use a specific piece of data, they can find it quickly and it’s in a form that’s easy to work with.

Just like how a well-organized treasure chest makes it easy to find the treasure you’re looking for, data engineers make it easy for computers to find and use the data they need. This helps people and businesses make smart decisions and create useful things with the information they have.

Now that we have done the ritual of understanding data engineering, let’s deal with the main topic which is the best way to learn data engineering.

Before we move to the next part, you should have a deeper knowledge of data engineering concepts. You can consider enrolling yourself in GUVI’s Data Engineering Career Program, which lets you gain practical experience by developing real-world projects and covers technologies including data cleaning, data visualization, Infrastructure as code, database, shell script, orchestration, cloud services, and many more.

Additionally, if you would like to explore Data Engineering and Big Data through a Self-paced course, try GUVI’s Data Engineering and Big Data self-paced course.

Best Way to Learn Data Engineering

Learn Data Engineering

The best way to learn data engineering is actually interesting and can be a very rewarding journey, but it requires dedication, persistence, and a systematic approach. Here’s a step-by-step guide to the best way to learn data science:


Step 1: Start by Understanding the Basics of Data and Databases

Whatever we do in our lives, understanding the fundamentals of it is a must. That’s why we all went through 18 years of schooling before we set out to do whatever we wanted. In the same way, the best way to learn data engineering starts with an understanding of data and databases.

Understanding the basics of data engineering involves comprehending the foundational principles and concepts that underpin the discipline. Data engineering encompasses designing, constructing, and maintaining systems that collect, process, and store data for analysis and decision-making.

It revolves around creating efficient data pipelines that extract data from various sources, transform it into a usable format, and load it into storage systems like databases or data warehouses.

Key concepts include data modeling for structuring information, ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes for data movement, and ensuring data quality through validation and cleaning. This understanding is essential as it forms the groundwork for effective data handling and manipulation, enabling the seamless flow of data through the entire data lifecycle.

To grasp these fundamentals, you can explore online resources, articles, and courses that provide introductory insights into data engineering’s role and components.

It’s crucial to differentiate data engineering from other data-related roles like analysis and science. Moreover, engaging with practical projects and tools like SQL, databases, and basic ETL processes can solidify understanding.

The objective is to grasp the significance of well-organized data pipelines, understand the purpose and functionality of databases, the nuances of data transformation, and the pivotal role data engineering plays in shaping accessible and reliable data for downstream analytics and business insights.

Step 2: Be a Master of Programming Languages

Master of Programming Languages

Programming languages are the backbone of data engineering. Though you don’t have to understand the in-depth intricacies of it, you have to master the basics of programming language.

Mastering programming languages is the second step in the best way to learn data engineering. Among the languages used, Python and Java are prominent choices due to their versatility and extensive libraries.

Python, particularly, is favored for its simplicity and robust ecosystem. Learning to write clean and efficient code in these languages enables data engineers to build tools, scripts, and applications that automate data processes and integrate with various systems. Proficiency in programming is essential for developing data pipelines, performing transformations, and interacting with databases and APIs.

Now, coming to the topic of mastering these languages, practical implementation is key to mastering programming languages. Start by learning the syntax and basic constructs of the chosen language.

Progress to understanding data structures, functions, and object-oriented programming principles. As data engineers, the focus should then shift to libraries and frameworks relevant to data manipulation and processing. For Python, libraries like pandas, NumPy, and SQLAlchemy are essential for data manipulation, analysis, and database interaction.

Additionally, learning version control with tools like Git enables collaborative development and code management. Gaining fluency in programming languages equips aspiring data engineers with the foundational skills needed to design, build, and optimize data pipelines effectively.

Step 3: Jump to Database Concepts and SQL

Step 3 involves studying database concepts and SQL, which are fundamental for effective data engineering. Databases are the backbone of data storage and retrieval, and understanding how they work is crucial.

Begin by comprehending the different types of database management systems, such as relational databases (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL) and NoSQL databases (e.g., MongoDB, Cassandra). Grasp the concepts of tables, rows, columns, primary keys, foreign keys, and indexes in the context of relational databases. This knowledge forms the basis for structuring and querying data.

Structured Query Language (SQL) is essential for interacting with databases. Mastering SQL enables data engineers to retrieve, manipulate, and manage data efficiently.

Start with learning basic SQL commands like SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE to perform essential operations. Progress to more advanced topics like JOIN operations, subqueries, and creating views.

Practical application is crucial; practice writing SQL queries on sample databases to refine your skills. Understanding database concepts and SQL empowers data engineers to design effective data storage systems, optimize queries, and integrate databases into their data pipelines.

Step 4: Explore Data Modeling and Design

In the fourth step of data engineering, which is “Explore Data Modeling and Design,” the focus shifts to creating a blueprint for how the data will be organized and stored.

Think of this like designing the layout of shelves and compartments in our treasure chest to make sure each valuable item has its place. Data engineers collaborate with experts and users to understand what kind of information will be collected, how it relates to each other, and how it will be used.

This step involves creating a “data model,” which is like a map that outlines how different pieces of data connect. This helps in understanding the relationships between data points and ensures that information is stored efficiently and logically.

Engineers might use tools like diagrams to visually represent these connections. The design phase also considers how to make the data easy to retrieve and update, ensuring that it’s not only organized but also accessible when needed.

Overall, this step is crucial as it lays the foundation for the entire data engineering process, ensuring that data is structured in a way that serves the needs of both users and applications.

Step 5: Grasp ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) Processes

ETL process

Coming to the next step in the best way to learn data engineering, ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes are a cornerstone of data management and analysis. This three-step framework is used to efficiently collect, refine, and integrate data for meaningful insights.

Extract: The first step involves sourcing data from diverse origins like databases, spreadsheets, APIs, or external systems. Raw data is extracted in its original form, capturing the required dataset for analysis. This phase sets the groundwork by identifying the data’s origin and structure, laying the foundation for subsequent transformations.

Transform: Once data is extracted, it often requires refinement to ensure its quality and relevance. In the transformation stage, data is cleaned, structured, and enriched. This can encompass tasks like eliminating duplicates, handling missing values, and converting units. Complex operations such as aggregating, joining, and deriving new variables also occur here. The transformed data emerges ready for analytical tasks, aligning with the intended objectives.

Load: In the final step, transformed data finds its home in a destination, often a database or data warehouse, facilitating easy retrieval and analysis. Loading ensures that data is organized for efficient querying, reporting, and visualization. This process also establishes a structured repository for historical tracking and future analyses, enabling data-driven decision-making.

Step 6: Understand the concept of Big Data

In the world of data engineering, the concept of Big Data revolves around the management and processing of large-scale datasets that strain the capabilities of traditional data processing infrastructures.

This involves handling data with immense Volume, Velocity, and Variety, commonly known as the three V’s of Big Data.

Volume refers to the sheer size of the data generated and accumulated from diverse sources. Traditional databases might struggle to accommodate such large volumes, necessitating the utilization of distributed storage systems like Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) or cloud-based storage solutions.

Velocity underscores the rapid pace at which data is produced and needs to be processed in near real-time. This requirement often leads to the adoption of stream processing frameworks like Apache Kafka and technologies that can efficiently process data as it arrives.

Variety alludes to the diverse formats and types of data, from structured to unstructured, that must be integrated and processed seamlessly. Data engineers employ techniques like schema evolution and flexible data models to manage this diversity effectively.

In data engineering, Big Data is harnessed through the implementation of distributed computing frameworks like Apache Spark and data processing pipelines that span across clusters of machines.

Ultimately, understanding Big Data is integral for data engineers as they architect systems capable of efficiently managing and processing large-scale data streams to extract meaningful insights.

Step 7: Explore Big Data Frameworks

Data engineers delve into a range of specialized frameworks and understanding them is the best way to learn data engineering. These frameworks provide the infrastructure and tools necessary for efficient storage, processing, and analysis of massive datasets.

Frameworks like Hadoop provide the foundational building blocks for distributed storage and processing. Hadoop’s HDFS allows data engineers to store vast amounts of data across clusters of machines, ensuring fault tolerance and scalability.

The MapReduce programming model facilitates the parallel processing of data, enabling engineers to perform complex computations on distributed datasets.

Additionally, Apache Spark has gained prominence for its in-memory processing capabilities, drastically enhancing the speed of data processing. Spark offers libraries for diverse tasks, including batch processing, stream processing, machine learning, and graph processing, making it a versatile choice for data engineers.

For stream processing, Apache Kafka stands out. It’s used for ingesting, storing, and processing real-time data streams. Kafka’s distributed nature ensures high throughput and fault tolerance.

Apache Flink is another stream processing framework that provides event-driven capabilities for handling continuous data streams with low-latency processing.

Step 8: Learn Cloud Platforms

Learn Cloud Platforms

Cloud platforms provide a dynamic and flexible environment for designing, building, and managing data pipelines and systems. These platforms offer a range of services for data storage, processing, analytics, and orchestration.

Data engineers can leverage cloud-native tools and services to store and process large volumes of data, scale resources as needed, implement data transformations, and orchestrate complex workflows.

Cloud platforms enable data engineers to focus on creating efficient and scalable data solutions without the burden of managing physical infrastructure, leading to streamlined data processing, enhanced collaboration, and optimized resource utilization.

Step 10: Hands-On Practice with ETL Tools

No matter what you learn theoretically, the practical implication is always deemed to be the best way to learn data engineering.

Hands-on practice with ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) tools is a pivotal step in the journey of a data engineer. These tools streamline the process of collecting, cleaning, and loading data, making it crucial for engineers to gain proficiency in their usage. Popular ETL tools like Apache NiFi, Talend, and Apache Airflow empower data engineers to design, execute, and monitor complex data workflows.

Apache NiFi provides a visual interface to design data flows, enabling engineers to extract data from various sources, apply transformations, and load it into target destinations. Its ease of use and visual representation make it ideal for beginners.

Similarly, Talend offers a comprehensive suite of data integration and transformation tools, catering to both ETL and ELT (Extract, Load, Transform) processes. Its visual design interface simplifies building data pipelines, and it supports a wide range of data sources and destinations.

Apache Airflow is a powerful open-source platform for orchestrating complex data workflows. It allows engineers to define workflows as code, making them highly customizable and reproducible. Airflow’s scheduler ensures tasks are executed in a defined sequence, and its monitoring capabilities provide insights into pipeline performance.

Hands-on experience with these ETL tools equips data engineers with the skills to efficiently manage data pipelines, automate processes, and maintain data quality, which are crucial aspects of successful data engineering endeavors.

Step 11: Real-World Projects

Working in a real-world environment always gives you an edge over others as that is the best way to learn data engineering in real-time.

Engaging in real-world projects is a pivotal phase in a data engineer’s journey, as it bridges theoretical knowledge with practical application.

These projects involve working on tangible data engineering challenges, simulating real scenarios, and allowing engineers to develop a deeper understanding of the field.

Data engineers collaborate with cross-functional teams to define project requirements, access data sources, design and implement ETL pipelines, and ensure the quality and integrity of the data.

For instance, a data engineer might work on building a pipeline to extract customer data from multiple sources, transform it into a unified format, and load it into a data warehouse.

Another project could involve setting up a real-time data ingestion system using technologies like Apache Kafka or AWS Kinesis, enabling businesses to respond swiftly to changing trends.

Step 12: Networking and Continuous Learning

Networking and Continuous Learning

Networking and continuous learning are indispensable aspects of a data engineer’s career journey, contributing to professional growth and staying current in a rapidly evolving field.

Engaging in networking opportunities, such as attending industry conferences, workshops, and meetups, enables data engineers to connect with peers, share experiences, and gain insights into emerging trends and best practices.

Collaborative relationships fostered through networking can lead to knowledge exchange, potential job opportunities, and a deeper understanding of the challenges and solutions faced by fellow professionals in data engineering.

Continuous learning is crucial in the ever-changing landscape of data engineering. Engineers must stay updated with the latest tools, technologies, and methodologies to remain effective.

Certified Online data engineering courses like the ones by GUVI, webinars, and tutorials provide avenues for learning new skills and refining existing ones. Staying informed about advancements in cloud computing, machine learning, and big data frameworks equips data engineers with the expertise to optimize and innovate their data pipelines.

Furthermore, engaging with online communities, forums, and blogs encourages the sharing of insights and problem-solving strategies, enhancing professional development.

In a data-driven world, networking and ongoing learning are vital for data engineers to stay adaptable, relevant, and equipped to address the dynamic challenges of data engineering.

Step 14: Stay Current with Evolving Technologies

The last step in the best way to learn data engineering articles is to stay updated with current trends.

Data engineering is a dynamic field; continuously learn about new tools, techniques, and best practices. Staying current with evolving technologies is an important step for data engineers, given the rapid pace of technological advancements in the field of data engineering.

The landscape continually introduces new tools, frameworks, and techniques that can significantly impact the efficiency and effectiveness of data pipelines and analyses.

Remember, learning data engineering is a gradual process, and it’s okay to encounter challenges along the way. Stay persistent, keep learning, and you’ll make progress toward becoming a proficient data engineer.

Kickstart your career by enrolling in GUVI’s Data Engineering Career Program where you will master technologies like data cleaning, data visualization, Infrastructure as code, database, shell script, orchestration, and cloud services, and build interesting real-life cloud computing projects.

Alternatively, if you want to explore Data Engineering and Big Data through a Self-paced course, try GUVI’s Data Engineering and Big Data Self-Paced course.


In conclusion, embarking on the journey of learning data engineering can be both exciting and rewarding. With a systematic approach and a dedication to continuous learning, you can master the essential skills needed to become a proficient data engineer.

Remember, the best way to learn data engineering is not merely through theory, but through practical application and a passion for unraveling the mysteries hidden within data. So, embrace the challenges, stay curious, and be open to exploring the ever-evolving landscape of data engineering.


What is a data engineer?

A data engineer is a professional responsible for designing, building, and maintaining data pipelines, databases, and data infrastructure to enable efficient data processing and analysis.

How does a data engineer differ from a data scientist?

While data engineers focus on data infrastructure and pipelines, data scientists analyze data to derive insights. Data engineers prepare and structure the data that data scientists then use for analysis.

What tools and technologies do data engineers use?

Data engineers work with a variety of tools such as Apache Spark, Hadoop, ETL frameworks like Apache NiFi, and cloud platforms like AWS, GCP, or Azure.

Is hands-on experience important for learning data engineering?

Yes, hands-on experience is crucial. Working on real projects and building data pipelines provides practical insight and reinforces theoretical knowledge.


Are certifications valuable for learning data engineering?

Certifications can be beneficial as they validate your skills and knowledge. Certificates from cloud providers like AWS, GCP, or Azure can enhance your credibility as a data engineer.

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  1. What is Data Engineering?
  2. Best Way to Learn Data Engineering
    • Step 1: Start by Understanding the Basics of Data and Databases
    • Step 2: Be a Master of Programming Languages
    • Step 3: Jump to Database Concepts and SQL
    • Step 4: Explore Data Modeling and Design
    • Step 5: Grasp ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) Processes
    • Step 6: Understand the concept of Big Data
    • Step 7: Explore Big Data Frameworks
    • Step 8: Learn Cloud Platforms
    • Step 10: Hands-On Practice with ETL Tools
    • Step 11: Real-World Projects
    • Step 12: Networking and Continuous Learning
    • Step 14: Stay Current with Evolving Technologies
  3. Conclusion
  4. FAQ
    • What is a data engineer?
    • How does a data engineer differ from a data scientist?
    • What tools and technologies do data engineers use?
    • Is hands-on experience important for learning data engineering?
    • Are certifications valuable for learning data engineering?