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Digital Marketing Syllabus for Beginners in 2024

If you’re starting out with digital marketing, knowing what the digital marketing syllabus includes can be helpful. Think of it as your toolbox, equipped with the essential skills you need to not only survive but thrive in the digital world. 

You’ll need to understand your audience, analyze data, create engaging content, optimize your search engine presence, and more. Knowing what you need to cover simplifies the process for you. 

The syllabus gives you a thorough, step-by-step framework to follow and understand the various concepts, ensuring you cover everything essential for you to know as an aspiring digital marketer. 

Table of contents

  1. What are the Core Areas in the Digital Marketing Syllabus?
  2. Complete Digital Marketing Syllabus for Beginners
    • Fundamentals of Digital Marketing
    • Website Planning and Creation
    • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
    • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
    • Social Media Marketing (SMM)
    • Content Marketing & Strategy
    • Web Analytics
    • Digital Media Planning and Buying
    • Web Remarketing
    • Email Marketing
    • Design Essentials
    • Mobile Marketing
    • E-Commerce Management
    • Online Reputation Management (ORM)
    • Adsense, Blogging, and Affiliate Marketing
    • Video Marketing
    • Marketing Automation, Influencer & Podcast Marketing
  3. Conclusion
  4. Frequently asked questions
    • Why should one consider opting for a course in digital marketing?
    • How can a digital marketer stay updated in this ever-changing field? 
    • What points should freshers consider while opting for a course in digital marketing?
    • Which field is best in digital marketing?
    • What are the top 10 Colleges in India for MBA in Digital Marketing?

What are the Core Areas in the Digital Marketing Syllabus?

Digital Marketing Syllabus

Each area of digital marketing holds its unique value, contributing to brand building and online engagement. Though, some are more prominent. The core areas you must emphasize in the digital marketing syllabus include Search Engine Optimization (SEO), for optimizing content for higher search visibility; Social Media Marketing, leveraging platforms for brand engagement; and Content Strategy, crafting valuable content tailored to the audience. 

Mastery of these areas, along with web analytics, email marketing, PPC, and influencer collaboration, equips you as a digital marketer to thrive in the ever-changing digital landscape.

Before we move to the next part, you should have a deeper knowledge of business analytics concepts. You can consider enrolling yourself in GUVI’s Business Analytics and Digital Marketing Career Program, which lets you gain practical experience by developing real-world projects and covers technologies including Power BI, Excel, SQL, Tableau, Data Visualization, etc. 

Complete Digital Marketing Syllabus for Beginners

Certain subjects are common across all digital marketing syllabus for beginners, irrespective of the course or program you choose for yourself. These fundamental subjects serve as the foundation of your education in digital marketing and are critical for gaining a comprehensive understanding of the broader landscape of this field.

Fundamentals of Digital Marketing

Going through the fundamentals is the first step to the digital marketing syllabus. You need to understand digital marketing, how it differs from traditional marketing, and how it helps businesses scale up their sales and brand image. 

The different sub-topics covered in fundamentals include:

  • What is digital marketing: Outlining its scope and significance.
  • Importance of digital marketing: Exploring why digital marketing is crucial in today’s business landscape.
  • Difference between traditional and digital marketing: Highlighting the distinctions between these two approaches.
  • Recent trends and industry scenario: Examine current digital marketing trends and the broader industry landscape.
  • Impact of Digital Marketing: Understanding how businesses can leverage digital marketing to succeed.
  • Using digital marketing for increased sales: Insights into utilizing digital strategies to boost sales.
  • Conducting competitive analysis: Techniques for evaluating competitors’ digital marketing strategies.
  • Case studies on digital marketing strategies: Real-world examples illustrating practical digital marketing approaches.

Website Planning and Creation

Website Planning and Creation

Once you have solidified your basics, you must learn about website planning and creation. Website, being the face value of any business, has to be well made, encapsulating elements that resonate with your target audience. 

Furthermore, you should also cover content management systems (CMS) such as WordPress for building and managing them. The different sub-topics covered in website planning and creation include:

  • Understanding CMS functionality: Delving into the capabilities of CMS platforms, such as WordPress or Magento.
  • Website development: Probing the process of building a functional website.
  • Incorporating design elements: Learning to integrate various design components into a website.
  • Adding content: Techniques for adding and managing website content.
  • Installing and activating plugins: Understanding the role and implementation of plugins.
  • Plugin functionality: Exploring the functionalities offered by different plugins.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO involves optimizing websites to secure higher organic search rankings on search engine results pages. As a digital marketer, you must thoroughly understand On-page and Off-page SEO and keyword research to effectively market your content for search engines and run ad campaigns.

The sub-topics in the SEO section of the digital marketing syllabus include the following:

  • Introduction to SEO: Fundamental concepts of SEO.
  • Working of search engines: Insights into search engine algorithms and mechanisms.
  • On-page SEO: Techniques like content, keyword research, and meta-tag optimization.
  • Off-page SEO: Strategies for building quality backlinks.
  • Keyword research: Exploring the process of identifying relevant keywords.
  • Factors affecting webpage ranking: Understanding the variables that influence search rankings.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

In SEM, you will learn about paid advertising and all the efforts you need to make to enhance a business’s online visibility on search engine results pages. It’s a significant branch of digital marketing, comprising ad campaign planning and execution.

The key sub-topics covered here include:

  • Features of Google Ads platform and algorithm: Exploring the functionalities and algorithms behind Google Ads.
  • Creating campaigns: Step-by-step guidance on setting up effective ad campaigns.
  • Search volume analysis: Understanding how to evaluate search volume trends.
  • Google Adwords: In-depth insights into leveraging Google Adwords for effective marketing.
  • Ad creation: Techniques for crafting compelling and engaging ad copies.
  • Site and keyword targeting: Strategies for refining targeting based on websites and keywords.
  • CPC, CPA & CPM-based accounts: Grasping various payment models for advertising.
  • Demographic targeting: Understanding how to target specific demographics.
  • Google Keyword Planner: Effective usage of the Google Keyword Planner tool.
  • Metrics like CPM, CLV, and others: Exploring essential metrics for campaign analysis.

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

From organic tactics to paid advertising, SMM covers all the strategies you need to know to succeed on prominent social media platforms. With social media playing a huge role in today’s business world, a deep understanding of SMM can help you create effective campaigns that drive engagement and build a strong brand image.

The sub-topics covered in SMM include:

  • Understanding SMM and leveraging social platforms: Fundamentals of social media marketing and its significance.
  • Demographic targeting through social media: Techniques for targeting specific audience demographics.
  • Metrics like CPC, CPV, CPM: Insights into key metrics for measuring campaign performance.
  • Social media analytics: Understanding the analytics behind social media campaigns.
  • Social media advertising: Strategies for creating impactful social media advertisements.

Content Marketing & Strategy

Content marketing is all about creating valuable content that connects with your target audience. It is a pivotal branch of digital marketing, where you learn how to captivate your audience’s attention, build relationships, and foster their loyalty through compelling content. 

This skill is much more than just words and needs a lot of time and practice to help create connections that truly matter. Its digital marketing syllabus provides a well-rounded grasp of content marketing concepts, including:

  • Content bucketing: Techniques for categorizing and organizing content.
  • Creating a social media content calendar: Strategies for planning content distribution.
  • Content marketing tools: Exploring tools that streamline content creation and distribution.
  • Guest blogging: Insights into leveraging guest blogging for wider reach.

Web Analytics

In web analytics, you learn about the actions of website visitors and how the data reveals valuable insights. With tools like Google Analytics as your guide, you’ll learn to examine data and decipher user behavior patterns to gain a profound understanding. 

Besides, it isn’t just about numbers but the stories they tell – guiding your strategies toward peak performance. The key sub-topics covered here include:

  • Google Analytics: Comprehensive insights into Google Analytics and its functionalities.
  • Metrics like bounce rate, page view, session time: Understanding key metrics for website analysis.
  • Optimal usage of Google Analytics: Techniques for leveraging Google Analytics effectively.
  • Behavior and acquisition reports: Exploring detailed behavior and acquisition insights.

Digital Media Planning and Buying

This branch of the digital marketing syllabus involves equipping you with the prowess to orchestrate ad placements with finesse. You will learn the best ways to strategically schedule ad campaigns to optimize conversions and return on investment. 

The sub-topics in digital media buying and planning include:

  • Concept of media buying and its types: Understanding various approaches to media buying.
  • Concepts of CPI, CPO, CPA, CTR: Insights into crucial metrics for campaign evaluation.
  • Platform-based ad space, media planning, and budgeting: Techniques for effective ad space utilization and budget management.

Web Remarketing

Web Remarketing is where previous interactions with your audience spark new opportunities. You’ll master the skill of crafting tailored ads that gently beckon back those who’ve journeyed through your virtual spaces before. With precision and finesse, you’ll reconnect with your audience, inviting them to rediscover the value you offer.

This segment of the digital marketing syllabus covers:

  • Basics of remarketing: Understanding the fundamentals of remarketing strategies.
  • Creating remarketing lists: Techniques for creating effective remarketing lists.
  • Using Google Ads tag and Facebook Pixel: Implementing tracking tags for effective remarketing.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is an evergreen and ever-important aspect of digital marketing. Every word you draft becomes a touchpoint as you learn to craft messages that bridge distances and foster relationships. And it’s not just about sending emails; it’s about weaving narratives that resonate, drive action, and turn recipients into loyal advocates.

This segment of the syllabus covers:

  • Building subscriber lists: Techniques for growing and segmenting subscriber lists.
  • Email marketing tools and software: Exploring tools that facilitate effective email campaigns.
  • Designing email copies and automation: Crafting appealing email content and automating campaigns.
  • Extracting insights from email campaign analytics: Analyzing email campaign metrics for optimization.

Design Essentials

Here, you will jump into the importance of design principles in digital marketing. Visual communication will be the main focus as you explore how colors, typography, and layouts can transform your message. It’s not just about making things look pretty – it’s about creating designs that capture attention and leave a lasting impression. 

By the end of this segment, you’ll have a deep understanding of how to use design to make your marketing efforts more effective. The sub-topics include:

  • Characteristics of an ad: Grasping the essential attributes of impactful advertisements.
  • Creating attractive creatives: Techniques for designing visually appealing content.
  • Color theory: Exploring the psychological impact of colors in design.
  • Designing tools: Understanding the tools used for digital design.
  • Understanding aesthetics: Delving into the aesthetic aspects of design.
  • Typography, colors, and themes: Exploring crucial design elements like typography and color themes.

Mobile Marketing

Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing is all about fathoming the enormous potential of the small screen. In this segment, you will discover the strategies to engage audiences on the go. You will learn how it’s not just about devices but crafting experiences that seamlessly integrate into users’ lives, enhancing brand interactions in the palm of their hands.

This portion of the digital marketing syllabus covers:

  • Increasing app engagement through in-app advertising: Techniques for enhancing user engagement within mobile apps.
  • In-app messaging and push notifications: Strategies for effective in-app communication.
  • App store optimization: Exploring optimization techniques for app visibility.
  • Analyzing app metrics: Techniques for extracting insights from app analytics.

E-Commerce Management

In eCommerce Management, you will understand a customer’s entire journey from the first click to the final purchase. The industry’s consistent growth makes it an essential aspect of digital marketing, where you upskill yourself in effectively managing e-commerce stores and activities to ensure a positive customer experience. 

Key sub-topics covered here include:

  • Essentials of e-commerce: Understanding the fundamentals of e-commerce operations.
  • Product keyword research: Techniques for researching relevant product keywords.
  • Inventory and supply chain management: Strategies for managing inventory and supply chains.
  • Selling on online platforms: Insights into selling products on various online platforms.

Online Reputation Management (ORM)

In ORM, you will explore strategies for influencing and managing a brand’s or individual’s perception online. Since a buyer’s decision relies extensively on online reviews and ratings, managing those becomes crucial for a business. You will learn to form narratives that build trust, inspire loyalty, and safeguard your brand’s digital identity.

This section of the digital marketing syllabus covers:

  • Understanding ORM: Grasping the concept of online reputation management.
  • Tackling negative reviews and crisis management: Techniques for addressing negative feedback and managing crises.

Adsense, Blogging, and Affiliate Marketing

Here, you’ll unlock the potential of turning your digital presence into a monetization powerhouse. You will explore monetization avenues for blogs and websites and understand the importance of crafting narratives that resonate and strategically leveraging platforms to fuel your financial aspirations.

The sub-topics covered in this segment include:

  • Understanding Google Adsense and Youtube Adsense: Insights into leveraging Adsense for revenue generation.
  • Generating revenue from websites and blogs: Techniques for monetizing digital content.
  • Creating SEO-friendly creative content: Crafting content optimized for search engines.

Video Marketing

Video Marketing

The video marketing segment within the digital marketing syllabus is crucial for effective marketing strategies. It highlights the importance of leveraging videos to connect with consumers more deeply. With online video consumption reaching 92% worldwide, video marketing has become more critical than ever. 

By recognizing the potency of visual content, you can capture audiences’ attention and convey messages effectively. Key sub-topics covered in this segment include:

  • Scriptwriting and execution of videos: Techniques of crafting compelling video scripts and translating them into engaging video content.
  • Marketing videos using the right platforms: Exploring various platforms, such as social media channels, websites, and video-sharing platforms.
  • Strategizing video content for positive brand awareness: Gain insights into formulating video content strategies that align with the brand’s identity, values, and objectives.
  • Essential elements of viral videos: Understanding the components contributing to videos going viral and applying these key elements to enhance the likelihood of video content gaining traction.
  • Analysis of video performance: Techniques for measuring the impact and effectiveness of video marketing efforts through metrics like views, engagement, and conversion rates.

Marketing Automation, Influencer & Podcast Marketing

This segment of the digital marketing syllabus encompasses contemporary aspects that are gaining prominence in the online marketing landscape. Here you will learn to recognize the significance of automation, influencer collaboration, and podcast marketing for creating impactful campaigns. 

Key sub-topics covered include:

  • Marketing automation: Understand the strategic implementation of automation for email marketing, social media scheduling, and more.
  • Influencer marketing: Learn to identify suitable influencers, establish meaningful collaborations, and execute successful influencer marketing campaigns.
  • Podcast marketing: Master strategies for creating, distributing, and promoting podcast content, understanding podcast formats, structuring episodes, and leveraging podcasts to enhance brand visibility.

Kickstart your career by enrolling in GUVI’s Business Analytics and Digital Marketing Career Program where you will master technologies including Power BI, Excel, SQL, Tableau, and Data Visualization, and build interesting real-life business-analytics projects.


Digital marketing can seem overwhelming at first glance, with many different components to consider. It can be challenging to know where to begin. However, a thorough understanding of the core areas is crucial for success in this constantly evolving field. 

Studying the digital marketing syllabus in great detail is essential to ensure you have the knowledge and skills required to excel. By mastering all the critical areas, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the challenges of this dynamic industry.

If you find this blog post helpful, you can also read about the best websites to learn digital marketing.

Frequently asked questions

Why should one consider opting for a course in digital marketing?

Digital advertising surged 15.3% in 2020 due to factors like the pandemic, driving increased digital medium adoption. Joining a digital marketing course can go a long way in brushing up your technical and soft skills required to set you up for success in the industry.

How can a digital marketer stay updated in this ever-changing field? 

A digital marketer must stay up to date with industry trends, tools, and techniques. One way to do this is by regularly reading industry blogs, attending webinars and conferences, and joining online communities.

What points should freshers consider while opting for a course in digital marketing?

As a fresher, choose a digital marketing course that covers crafting effective marketing strategies, deeply understanding the customer journey, measuring key metrics, and getting hands-on experience with essential tools.

Which field is best in digital marketing?

Consider exploring the fields of Content Marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and Social Media Marketing (SMM). These are all rapidly growing areas of digital marketing that offer the potential for lucrative salaries and numerous growth opportunities.


What are the top 10 Colleges in India for MBA in Digital Marketing?

While many offer diploma/certification courses in Digital Marketing, only a few provide MBA options in India, including:

– IIDE, Mumbai
– IIKM Business School, Chennai
– Rayat Bahra University, Punjab
– RVS Institute of Management Studies, Tamil Nadu
– RIMT University, Punjab
– JK Lakshmipat University, Jaipur
– Integral University, Lucknow
– Centurion University, Bhubaneswar
– Xavier Institute of Management, Mumbai
– Graphic Era University, Uttarakhand

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  1. What are the Core Areas in the Digital Marketing Syllabus?
  2. Complete Digital Marketing Syllabus for Beginners
    • Fundamentals of Digital Marketing
    • Website Planning and Creation
    • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
    • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
    • Social Media Marketing (SMM)
    • Content Marketing & Strategy
    • Web Analytics
    • Digital Media Planning and Buying
    • Web Remarketing
    • Email Marketing
    • Design Essentials
    • Mobile Marketing
    • E-Commerce Management
    • Online Reputation Management (ORM)
    • Adsense, Blogging, and Affiliate Marketing
    • Video Marketing
    • Marketing Automation, Influencer & Podcast Marketing
  3. Conclusion
  4. Frequently asked questions
    • Why should one consider opting for a course in digital marketing?
    • How can a digital marketer stay updated in this ever-changing field? 
    • What points should freshers consider while opting for a course in digital marketing?
    • Which field is best in digital marketing?
    • What are the top 10 Colleges in India for MBA in Digital Marketing?